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Create/integrete php script for upload the replays of WCIII game WordPress


Some of you know how to create a php page to insert into my wordpress blog (<em></em>) that incorporates a procedure to upload the replays of the game Warcraft III such as is done at the site <strong></strong> and <strong></strong>. The script used is located here: <strong></strong> and is open source. I need an expert that can create a page that indicated same at example and that adapts well to my blog (colors and features). I need a patient person, seriously, because I am not an expert. If you need an account in the blog or ftp credentials to the test or the copy of my blog, and some explanation about the game, you need only ask. Naturally i want that the people can upload and download the replay from my blog with registration method and that they can write a comments about the game. Another example is here: <strong></strong>.GL

Answers (3)


Erez S answers:

you only want a page that will upload the replies and will give the author the link? if so i can do that for you

mothernatur3s0n comments:

From 1 week ago Kukreti trying to sove the problem. Now is disappears, and i dont know if they working aroud my problem or no, but you can show how this script work in to, then go to "search" link and watch. U can send and download replay, then for do this u need upload advanced information

Erez S comments:

then what you need is:upload,view,search and download?

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Basically the script is what I inserted into the question, because it was created just for this game, but I want to have the exact same result (functional and graphic) that you see in When you upload the replays there must be this information: player name, map name, race, winner, whose name uploaded, type of match and other info. I do not know how has configured his script, but when you perform an upload of a file w3g of warcraft, the script will automatically detect most of the information that I have written before

Erez S comments:

then only upload form and to show the info?

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Can you look all this alone? I think that i have explained enough what this script must do for my blog. Here are available the source script, the example pages, the screenshot, the link of the site that use this script. You maybe must register on this and show how this script work?

Erez S comments:

ok,i think i got it: there is a page with upload form that users can upload replays,after you upload the replay a new post will be create and his content will be the replay info and download link. right? if so i'll work on it right now

mothernatur3s0n comments:

I cant tell you if is htis or not, cause if you dont send me a demo link for try this script i cant answer to you. So you have alreadu solved the question? Did you read my last asnwer about the skills of this script? I will argue that Japh is disappears then.

Erez S comments:

I didnt started yet,i have to do small thing and then to start,but from what is say,does that match to what you want?

mothernatur3s0n comments:

I will repeat and excuse my english. I want that the script make exactly what make The source is the same. I think you should try to register urslef in the home and try to search and to upload download one replays for see what this script must do.

Erez S comments:

I started it and yet i did only the upload script,and its show the info of the replay after upload,now i need to add the saving of the file and the post creation and i done,i send you msg with the demo

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Ok thanks for the plugin, now i will try and report to you if is this that i want or if this plugin need fix or updates.

Erez S comments:

Sended you the new version of the plugin,enjoy

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Ok i will try. Use my email please for the rest! U need access to ftp and to the blog or no? Advise me please!


Utkarsh Kukreti answers:


Could you link to the script used?

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Yes, sorry i have a problem with posting link, wait a moment!

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Here are 5.30am, i will back to asnwer to your question in 7 hours from now. Regards

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Ok im back

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Do you see the link of the script? Refresh the quesiton please


Japh answers:

It would also be useful if you could link to an example Warcraft III replay file.

<strong>Edit:</strong> I am looking into a solution on this for you, and will get back to you soon (assuming no one else beats me to it ;))

<strong>Edit:</strong> Sorry, it looks like I won't get a chance to do this in time for your question, however I will keep it on my list of things to do. I think the most sensible option would be to turn that WCIII Replays script into a WordPress plugin. If you give me your contact details, I will let you know if I get to release one for your usage.

<strong>Edit:</strong> Sure, if you can reopen the question that'd be great.

mothernatur3s0n comments:

All replay file are available at the link that i have posted. If you need other info just tell me. Refresh the page for see the links, cause the link command here dont work fine and i must edited all the links...

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Here are 5.30am, i will back to asnwer to your question in 7 hours from now. Regards

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Ok im back

mothernatur3s0n comments:

Ok im curious to see your solution ;) Don't forget that i need that you explain to me pass to pass all details ;)

mothernatur3s0n comments:

I can reopen the question if u want, and if you think that u have found the solution but need more time for end this!

mothernatur3s0n comments:

You know how to reopen the issue? Continues to work if you have really found a solution to my problem! Regards

mothernatur3s0n comments:

<blockquote>This question has now expired. We need for you to log in and chose which answer, or answers, deserves the prize money.

If you do not make a choice by Feb 27, 2010, we will chose the winners.

If you feel that none of the offered solutions actually answered your question, then please contact us.

Ok contact me and solve this question please ;)