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Create a news style page WordPress

I have a news page on my website that links straight to another URL.

I would like exactly the same layout on my page but without linking directly to the other website.

I don't want to use the URL from the other site, it is a 30 day trial period, after which they 'cut the link'.

Currently my page links to;

and my website is www.safet yto pics.

Is there an easy way to do this?



Answers (4)


Arnav Joy answers:

so you want to create page , where you can show latest news ?
you would like to enter these news posts in admin yourself ?

And the layout will be like the link you provided , right?

jacksonja1 comments:

I want to do it via RSS Feed, so there is no manual updating.

Also fetch images from RSS if possible.

The layout would be something similar to the link I have shown.




Balanean Corneliu answers:

Seems to be like a blog page. You can create one and make more columns and row, and add this article on your site. Or you want to catch this article from other website and just show up on your side?

jacksonja1 comments:

I would like to do it via RSS feed in a similar layout to the link provided.

I would also like to fetch images from RSS if possible?


timDesain Nanang answers:

you can try this plugin:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]], then Insert a shortcode in the WYSIWYG on page editor
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]], then Use the shortcode in your posts or pages: [wp-rss-aggregator]


Bob answers:

I think this plugin can be helpful
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Didn't checked but they says they have 13 different templates that we can customize.

I think there will not be exact same layout/design available with any plugin. you have to do some work on css or probably html.

You can decide to use any rss plugin then ask developer to modify it so it can match your design.