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Create a Genesis ShortCode from this? WordPress


I am using the following code on a site:
<div class='x-rating-box shortcode-left'>
// get the star ratings in an array of arrays
$ratings = myrp_api_editor_ratings();
if(count($ratings)>0) {

<h3>Editor's Ratings</h3>
<div class='x-rating-box-inner'>

foreach($ratings as $rating) {

// output the category name, and then the star images, disabled for the rating.
echo "<div class='x-rating-stars' style='float:right;'>" .
myrp_get_rating_fixed_row(myrp_get_rating_category(myrp_get_category_id($rating[0])), $rating[1])
. "</div>" . "<div class='x-rating-title'>" . $rating[0] . "</div>"

// get the star ratings in an array of arrays
$ratings = myrp_api_ratings();
if(count($ratings)>0) {

<h3>Your Ratings</h3>
<div class='x-rating-box-inner'>

foreach($ratings as $rating) {
// output the category name, and then the star images, disabled for the rating.
echo "<div class='x-rating-stars' style='float:right;'>" .
myrp_get_rating_fixed_row(myrp_get_rating_category(myrp_get_category_id($rating[0])), $rating[1])
. "</div>" . "<div class='x-rating-title'>" . $rating[0] . "</div>"

// output the number of positive and negative ratings.
//$positive_negative = myrp_api_positive_negative();
// echo "<div class='posneg'>+" . $positive_negative['positive'] . " positive &mdash; " . $positive_negative['negative'] . " negative</div>";


It prints three things:
1- Editors Rating
2- Users Rating
3- The # of positive and negative reviews received

If there was a way to make a shortcode that replicated the same functionality, it would make my life much easier.

Answers (1)


Giri answers:

Try this

use this shortcode


function wpq_rating_sc( ) {
$ret = '<div class="x-rating-box shortcode-left">';
// get the star ratings in an array of arrays
$ratings = myrp_api_editor_ratings();
if(count($ratings)>0) {

$ret .= "<h3>Editor's Ratings</h3>
<div class='x-rating-box-inner'>";

foreach($ratings as $rating) {
// output the category name, and then the star images, disabled for the rating.

$ret = "<div class='x-rating-stars' style='float:right;'>" .

myrp_get_rating_fixed_row(myrp_get_rating_category(myrp_get_category_id($rating[0])), $rating[1])

. "</div>" . "<div class='x-rating-title'>" . $rating[0] . "</div>";


$ret .= "</div>";


// get the star ratings in an array of arrays

$ratings = myrp_api_ratings();

if(count($ratings)>0) {

$ret .= "<h3>Your Ratings</h3>

<div class='x-rating-box-inner'>";
foreach($ratings as $rating) {

// output the category name, and then the star images, disabled for the rating.

$ret .= "<div class='x-rating-stars' style='float:right;'>" .

myrp_get_rating_fixed_row(myrp_get_rating_category(myrp_get_category_id($rating[0])), $rating[1])

. "</div>" . "<div class='x-rating-title'>" . $rating[0] . "</div>"



// output the number of positive and negative ratings.

//$positive_negative = myrp_api_positive_negative();

// echo "<div class='posneg'>+" . $positive_negative['positive'] . " positive &mdash; " . $positive_negative['negative'] . " negative</div>";

$ret .= "</div>";


$ret .= "</div>";
return $ret;
add_shortcode( 'wpqratings', 'wpq_rating_sc' );

badnews comments:

Sees like it is out putting the required data but breaks the layout of the whole page.

Giri comments:

Let me check whats wrong.. Can you show me the page url? if you need privacy, message me your url from my profile page.