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Copy Woocommerce Custom Field to unused field WordPress


I'm using a plugin that allows customers to select a delivery date and that is saved as a Custom Field.
It outputs a date: $date = get_post_meta( $order_id, 'jckwds_date', true);

My problem is I'm using a Zapier plugin that exports the Woocommerce Order to Google Sheets.
Unfortunately Zapier doesn't recognise Custom Fields.

So I was hoping that I could copy the 'jckwds_date' date in Custom Fields to the 'item_meta' field.

I'm able to edit the plugin, see line 106.

Answers (3)


Rempty answers:

You can't use this item_meta because is the meta for an inline product no for an order.
Maybe you can insert the date field as an order_note,

After this code
// Customer Notes (Private Notes aren't included)
// Arrays are not very well supported by Zapier at this point, but we'll send the data anyway
$order->notes = array(); // Array of order notes
foreach ( $this->wc_order->get_customer_order_notes() as $order_note_data ) {
$note = new stdClass();
$note->note = $order_note_data->comment_content;
$note->date = WC_Zapier::format_date( $order_note_data->comment_date );
$note->author = $order_note_data->comment_author;
$note->author_email = $order_note_data->comment_author_email;
$order->notes[] = $note;

Insert this

$delivery_date = get_post_meta( $this->wc_order->id, 'jckwds_date', true);
if ($delivery_date) {
$deliver = new stdClass();
$deliver->note='Delivery Date: '.$delivery_date;
$order->notes[] = $deliver;

If this don't work as expected, you can try to use the customer notes field.

After this line
$order->customer_note = $this->wc_order->customer_note; // Note added by the customer

Insert this
$delivery_date = get_post_meta( $this->wc_order->id, 'jckwds_date', true);
if ($delivery_date) {
$order->customer_note .=' Delivery Date: '.$delivery_date;

parksey18 comments:

The second solution worked a treat.
Thank you so much!


Reigel Gallarde answers:

next to $order = array(); down the bottom, you might be able to get this with the following code:

$order = array(

$date = get_post_meta( 123, 'jckwds_date', true);
if ($date) {
$order['line_items']['item_meta'] = array(
'data' => $date

parksey18 comments:

Nope, I found this in another file.
* Order Line Item Meta
* For compatibility with any extensions that add their own order line item meta data, such as:
* - Product Add-ons:
* - Gravity Forms Add-ons:
* These extensions typically use the woocommerce_add_order_item_meta() function to add their own metadata to an order line item.
$line_item->item_meta = array();

foreach ( $line_item_data['item_meta'] as $meta_key => $meta_value ) {

if ( '_' === $meta_key[0] ) {
// Skip meta items that have a key beginning with a _ because these are usually internal/hidden

$meta_key = WC_Zapier::decode( $meta_key );

if ( 1 == sizeof( $meta_value ) ) {
// Single value for this meta key - send single value as a string instead of a 1-sized array
$line_item->item_meta[$meta_key] = $meta_value[0];
} else {
// Multiple values for this meta key - send entire array as-is
$line_item->item_meta[$meta_key] = $meta_value;

$line_item->item_meta[$meta_key] = WC_Zapier::decode( $line_item->item_meta[$meta_key] );


Reigel Gallarde comments:

ok... sorry, it's hard to give answer... I don't have the plugin, and I'm not sure if that is free plugin....
Maybe someone here who has the plugin could help

parksey18 comments:


if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly

abstract class WC_Zapier_Trigger_Order extends WC_Zapier_Trigger {

* @var WC_Order instance
protected $wc_order;

* The slug/key for the order status.
* Must correspond to a valid WooCommerce order status
* @var string
protected $status_slug = '';

* Optional text that is added to the end of this Trigger's title inside brackets.
* @var string|null
protected $title_suffix;

* Constructor
* @throws Exception
public function __construct() {



* The sample WooCommerce order data that is sent to Zapier as sample data.
* @return array
protected function get_sample_data() {
// TODO: Update this sample order to use tax, a coupon, and shipping
$order = array(
'id' => 123,
'number' => '#123',
'status' => 'processing',
'status_previous' => 'pending',
'date' => '2013-08-22T06:54:00+00:00',
'total' => '88.00',
'subtotal' => '88.00',
'currency' => 'USD',
'currency_symbol' => '$',
'view_url' => '',
'user_id' => '261',
'billing_first_name' => 'John',
'billing_last_name' => 'Smith',
'billing_company' => 'Acme, Inc.',
'billing_address' => 'Unit 1, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20500, US',
'billing_email' => '[email protected]',
'billing_phone' => '+1 123 456 789',
'billing_address_1' => 'Unit 1',
'billing_address_2' => '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW',
'billing_city' => 'Washington',
'billing_postcode' => '20500',
'billing_country' => 'US',
'billing_country_name' => 'United States',
'billing_state' => 'DC',
'shipping_first_name' => 'John',
'shipping_last_name' => 'Smith',
'shipping_company' => 'Acme, Inc.',
'shipping_address' => 'Unit 1, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC, 20500, US',
'shipping_address_1' => 'Unit 1',
'shipping_address_2' => '1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW',
'shipping_city' => 'Washington',
'shipping_postcode' => '20500',
'shipping_country' => 'US',
'shipping_country_name' => 'United States',
'shipping_state' => 'DC',
'shipping_method' => 'Free Shipping',
'payment_method' => 'Direct Bank Transfer',
'discount_total' => '', // No longer applicable in WC 2.3 and newer
'cart_discount' => '0.00',
'tax_total' => '0',
'shipping_total' => '0.00',
'shipping_tax' => '0.00',
'prices_include_tax' => false,
'customer_note' => 'This is a note added by the customer during checkout.',
'line_items' => array(
'name' => 'Awesome Widget',
'quantity' => '1',
'product_id' => '33',
'variation_id' => '',
'sku' => 'WIDGET',
'categories' => 'Category A, Category B',
'tags' => 'TagA, TagB',
'type' => 'line_item',
'line_subtotal' => '88.00',
'line_total' => '88.00',
'line_tax' => '0.00',
'line_subtotal_tax' => '0.00',
'tax_class' => '',
'item_meta' => array(
// Empty unless using a plugin/extension that adds custom order item meta data
'item_count' => 1,
'has_downloadable_item' => true,
'downloadable_files' => array(
'download_url' => '',
'filename' => ''
'notes' => array(
'note' => 'Thank you for your order. We will let you know once your order has shipped.',
'date' => '2013-08-23T01:24:55+00:00',
'author' => 'WooCommerce',
'author_email' => '[email protected]',
return $order;

public function assemble_data( $args, $action_name ) {

$order_id = '';
$new_status = '';
$previous_status = '';

if ( $this->is_sample() ) {
// The webhook/trigger is being tested
return $this->get_sample_data();

} else {
// Using real live data

$order_id = intval( $args[0] );

if ( 'woocommerce_new_order' == $action_name ) {
$previous_status = '';
} else if ( 'woocommerce_order_status_changed' == $action_name ) {
$previous_status = $args[1];
$new_status = $args[2];
} else if ( preg_match( '/^woocommerce_order_status_([a-z-]+)_to_([a-z-]+)$/i', $action_name, $matches ) ) {
// Note: order statuses can be a-z characters or a hyphen
$previous_status = $matches[1];
$new_status = $matches[2];
} else if ( 'woocommerce_payment_complete' == $action_name ) {
// We don't know the previous status
// Nothing special required here

if ( ! $order_id )
return false;

$this->wc_order = new WC_Order($order_id);


if ( empty( $new_status ) )
$new_status = $this->wc_order->status;

// Note: this could fire for any order statuses (including pending/unpaid)

// Compile the order details/data that will be sent to Zapier
$order = new stdClass();

// Order Details
$order->id = $this->wc_order->id; // Order ID (integer)
$order->number = $this->wc_order->get_order_number(); // Order Number (eg #123)
$order->status = $new_status; // New order status (on-hold, processing, etc)
$order->status_previous = $previous_status; // Previous order status (on-hold, processing, etc)
$order->date = WC_Zapier::format_date( $this->wc_order->order_date );
$order->total = WC_Zapier::format_price( $this->wc_order->get_total() ); // Order total
// Order Subtotal (only for WC 2.2 or later)
// For WC 2.1.x, this field will always have an empty value because get_subtotal() only exists in WC 2.2+
$order->subtotal = ( method_exists( $this->wc_order, 'get_subtotal' ) ) ? WC_Zapier::format_price( $this->wc_order->get_subtotal() ) : ''; // Cart Subtotal
$order->currency = $this->wc_order->get_order_currency(); // Currency (eg AUD)
$order->currency_symbol = WC_Zapier::decode( get_woocommerce_currency_symbol( $order->currency ) ); // Currency Symbol (eg $)
$order->view_url = $this->wc_order->get_view_order_url();

// Billing Details
$order->user_id = $this->wc_order->get_user_id();
$order->billing_first_name = $this->wc_order->billing_first_name;
$order->billing_last_name = $this->wc_order->billing_last_name;
$order->billing_company = $this->wc_order->billing_company;
// WC 2.3 uses WC_Order::get_formatted_billing_address(), previous versions use WC_Order::get_billing_address()
$order->billing_address = WC_Zapier::decode( ( method_exists( $this->wc_order, 'get_formatted_billing_address' ) ) ? $this->wc_order->get_formatted_billing_address() : $this->wc_order->get_billing_address() ); // Single line billing address separated by commas
$order->billing_email = $this->wc_order->billing_email;
$order->billing_phone = $this->wc_order->billing_phone;
// Individual Billing Address Components
$order->billing_address_1 = $this->wc_order->billing_address_1;
$order->billing_address_2 = $this->wc_order->billing_address_2;
$order->billing_city = $this->wc_order->billing_city;
$order->billing_postcode = $this->wc_order->billing_postcode;
$order->billing_country = $this->wc_order->billing_country; // Two letter country code
$order->billing_country_name = ''; // Country Name
if ( $order->billing_country != '' ) {
// Only if the order has a billing country
$order->billing_country_name = WC()->countries->countries[$order->billing_country];
$order->billing_state = $this->wc_order->billing_state;

// Shipping Details
$order->shipping_first_name = $this->wc_order->shipping_first_name;
$order->shipping_last_name = $this->wc_order->shipping_last_name;
$order->shipping_company = $this->wc_order->shipping_company;
// WC 2.3 uses WC_Order::get_formatted_shipping_address(), previous versions use WC_Order::get_shipping_address()
$order->shipping_address = WC_Zapier::decode( ( method_exists( $this->wc_order, 'get_formatted_shipping_address' ) ) ? $this->wc_order->get_formatted_shipping_address() : $this->wc_order->get_shipping_address() ); // Single line shipping address separated by commas
// Individual Shipping Address Components
$order->shipping_address_1 = $this->wc_order->shipping_address_1;
$order->shipping_address_2 = $this->wc_order->shipping_address_2;
$order->shipping_city = $this->wc_order->shipping_city;
$order->shipping_postcode = $this->wc_order->shipping_postcode;
$order->shipping_country = $this->wc_order->shipping_country; // Two letter country code
$order->shipping_country_name = ''; // Country Name
if ( $order->shipping_country != '' ) {
// Only if the order has a shipping address
$order->shipping_country_name = WC()->countries->countries[$order->shipping_country];
$order->shipping_state = $this->wc_order->shipping_state;

// Shipping & Payment Methods
$order->shipping_method = $this->wc_order->get_shipping_method();
$order->payment_method = $this->wc_order->payment_method_title;

// Other Amounts

// WC 2.3 removed the concept of an "after tax" discount, which included deprecating the WC_Order::get_order_discount() function with no alternative available.
// This field will be removed in a future release. For now, it will return an empty value.
// Ref:
$order->discount_total = '';
// WC 2.3 uses WC_Order::get_total_discount(), previous versions use WC_Order::get_cart_discount()
$order->cart_discount = ( method_exists( $this->wc_order, 'get_total_discount' ) ) ? WC_Zapier::format_price( $this->wc_order->get_total_discount() ) : WC_Zapier::format_price( $this->wc_order->get_cart_discount() ); // Before tax discount total
$order->tax_total = WC_Zapier::format_price( $this->wc_order->order_tax ); // Tax for the items total
// Shipping cost
$order->shipping_total = WC_Zapier::format_price( $this->wc_order->get_total_shipping() );
$order->shipping_tax = WC_Zapier::format_price( $this->wc_order->get_shipping_tax() ); // Shipping tax

// Miscellaneous
$order->prices_include_tax = $this->wc_order->prices_include_tax;
$order->customer_note = $this->wc_order->customer_note; // Note added by the customer

// Order line items
// Arrays are not very well supported by Zapier at this point, but we'll send the data anyway
$order->line_items = array(); // Array of order line items
$downloadable_file_urls = array();

foreach ( $this->wc_order->get_items() as $line_item_data ) {

// We also need product data such as SKU and categories
$product_id = $line_item_data['item_meta']['_product_id'][0];
$variation_id = $line_item_data['item_meta']['_variation_id'][0];
$product = $this->wc_order->get_product_from_item( $line_item_data );

$line_item = new stdClass();
$line_item->name = $line_item_data['name'];
$line_item->quantity = $line_item_data['qty'];
$line_item->product_id = $line_item_data['item_meta']['_product_id'][0];
$line_item->variation_id = $line_item_data['item_meta']['_variation_id'][0];
$line_item->sku = $product ? $product->get_sku() : '';

// Product Categories
$line_item->categories = $product ? $product->get_categories() : '';
if ( $line_item->categories ) {
// Remove links/HTML from list of categories
$line_item->categories = strip_tags( $line_item->categories );
} else {
$line_item->categories = '';

// Product Tags
$line_item->tags = $product ? $product->get_tags() : '';
if ( $line_item->tags ) {
// Remove links/HTML from list of tags
$line_item->tags = strip_tags( $line_item->tags );
} else {
$line_item->tags = '';

$line_item->type = $line_item_data['type'];
$line_item->line_subtotal = WC_Zapier::format_price( $line_item_data['line_subtotal'] );
$line_item->line_total = WC_Zapier::format_price( $line_item_data['line_total'] );
$line_item->line_tax = WC_Zapier::format_price( $line_item_data['line_tax'] );
$line_item->line_subtotal_tax = WC_Zapier::format_price( $line_item_data['line_subtotal_tax'] );
$line_item->tax_class = $line_item_data['tax_class'];
$order->line_items[] = $line_item;

// Downloadable files
// Only included once the customer has permission to download the files (typically when the order status is Processing or Completed).
// See for more details.
foreach ( $this->wc_order->get_item_downloads( $line_item_data ) as $download_id => $download_details ) {
$file = new stdClass();
// TODO: also include WC 2.1+ downloadable file name
$file->filename = wc_get_filename_from_url( $download_details['file'] );
$file->download_url = $download_details['download_url'];
$downloadable_file_urls[] = $file;

* Order Line Item Meta
* For compatibility with any extensions that add their own order line item meta data, such as:
* - Product Add-ons:
* - Gravity Forms Add-ons:
* These extensions typically use the woocommerce_add_order_item_meta() function to add their own metadata to an order line item.
$line_item->item_meta = array();

foreach ( $line_item_data['item_meta'] as $meta_key => $meta_value ) {

if ( '_' === $meta_key[0] ) {
// Skip meta items that have a key beginning with a _ because these are usually internal/hidden

$meta_key = WC_Zapier::decode( $meta_key );

if ( 1 == sizeof( $meta_value ) ) {
// Single value for this meta key - send single value as a string instead of a 1-sized array
$line_item->item_meta[$meta_key] = $meta_value[0];
} else {
// Multiple values for this meta key - send entire array as-is
$line_item->item_meta[$meta_key] = $meta_value;

$line_item->item_meta[$meta_key] = WC_Zapier::decode( $line_item->item_meta[$meta_key] );



$order->item_count = $this->wc_order->get_item_count(); // Total number of items
$order->has_downloadable_item = $this->wc_order->has_downloadable_item(); // If the order contains a downloadable product.
$order->downloadable_files = empty($downloadable_file_urls) ? array() : $downloadable_file_urls;

// Customer Notes (Private Notes aren't included)
// Arrays are not very well supported by Zapier at this point, but we'll send the data anyway
$order->notes = array(); // Array of order notes
foreach ( $this->wc_order->get_customer_order_notes() as $order_note_data ) {
$note = new stdClass();
$note->note = $order_note_data->comment_content;
$note->date = WC_Zapier::format_date( $order_note_data->comment_date );
$note->author = $order_note_data->comment_author;
$note->author_email = $order_note_data->comment_author_email;
$order->notes[] = $note;

// Order data needs to be an array.
$order = (array) $order;

WC_Zapier()->log( "Assembled order data.", $order['id'] );

return $order;


protected function data_sent_to_feed( WC_Zapier_Feed $feed, $result, $action_name, $arguments, $num_attempts = 0 ) {

$note = '';

if ( 1 == $num_attempts ) {
// Successful on the first attempt
$note .= sprintf( __( 'Order sent to Zapier via the <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> Zapier feed.', 'wc_zapier' ), $feed->edit_url(), $feed->title() );
} else {
// It took more than 1 attempt so add that to the note
$note .= sprintf( __( 'Order sent to Zapier via the <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a> Zapier feed after %3$d attempts.', 'wc_zapier' ), $feed->edit_url(), $feed->title(), $num_attempts );

$note .= sprintf( __( '<br ><br />Trigger:<br />%1$s<br />%2$s', 'wc_zapier' ), $feed->trigger()->get_trigger_title(), "<small>{$action_name}</small>" );

// Add a private note to this order
$this->wc_order->add_order_note( $note );

WC_Zapier()->log( $note, $this->wc_order->id );

parent::data_sent_to_feed( $feed, $result, $action_name, $arguments, $num_attempts );



Arnav Joy answers:

the new code which you used is working ?

parksey18 comments:

Still trying to populate 'jckwds_date' date in Custom Field 'item_meta'