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Converting faoundation accordion menu to wordpress wp menu WordPress


I am using <strong>Foundation framework</strong> for a wordpress theme I am building.
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I built a nice floating menu using foundation accordion built in javascript.
see here:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
the menu on the right..

I am trying to convert this menu to a working and manageable wordpress menu where the client will be able to control it (parent + one level drop down menu)

I need to add it as a wp_menu + possibly a "walker" class

it's a pretty small task. I need it done ASAP (perfectly working)


Answers (3)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello hamergil

Can you PM me the login /ftp detail


Arnav Joy answers:

please try this plugin


Bob answers:

if you really need it fast you can try

here is demo

1st install above plugin then
2nd create your menu from wordpress backend
put shortcode in your template page using do_shortcode.
echo do_shortcode('[dcwp-jquery-accordion menu="Menu 1" skin="black" disable ="true"]');

Here <strong>"Menu 1"</strong> is your menu name from wordpress backend.

Or you can create widget area in your template page and add accordion menu in that area.
Let me know if you need instruction on creating widget area and use "jquery accordion widget"

Bob comments:

if you really need it fast you can try [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

here is demo [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

1. install above plugin then
2. create your menu from wordpress backend
3. put shortcode in your template page using do_shortcode.
echo do_shortcode('[dcwp-jquery-accordion menu="Menu 1" skin="black" disable ="true"]');

Here <strong>"Menu 1"</strong> is your menu name from wordpress backend.

Or you can create widget area in your template page and add accordion menu in that area.
Let me know if you need instruction on creating widget area and use "jquery accordion widget"

hamergil comments:

Hi Bhavesh!
I need it fast but I prefer to have it coded in my theme
using wp_menu and maybe "walker" class instead of using a plugin
is it possible?