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Contact form 7 not working in the footer of the homepage WordPress


Hey everyone

I posted the below message a while back,
i thought i managed to solve it but it seems i didn't,
In the interim i am using another form plugin, but i would like contact form 7 to be the contact plugin on my site,

I'm reposting the below, any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you!

Hey everyone

I need some help getting a contact form 7 form working,

I recently finished building a website which is now live at, I have duplicated the website to to solve this problem, i can provide
login details to this site is requested

My problem is that i need to put a "request an assessment" form
at the bottom of the website and for some reason when you submit this form
you get this error "There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later."

However all the contact forms seems to work properly across other pages on the website, except on the footer of the site,

I have updated the from in CF7 to represent email address from the domain

There must be something causing a confliction or something but I can't work out what the problem is

I've deleted all the content from the homepage page "home", and the error still occurs,
i've put test forms in the widget area and they also give the same error, however those same test forms send when I put them on in the main content of test pages,

if you go to for example, both forms are sending
they just dont seem to be sending from the homepage

Does anyone have any idea about how i could get the form to work properly on the homepage footer? any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank you

[email protected]

Answers (4)


mod mi answers:

Hi Mike,

On url the page is missing.

It's a bit confusing I noticed that you mention 2 different domains and
They seem to be different designs?

Could you post a link with the form in the footer that is not working?

Mike Peters comments:

Oh sorry i accidentally made the url .com instead of for south africa

The Test link is at:

Apologies for that!

mod mi comments:

Hi Mike, thanks for the clarification. No problem.

Have you made sure that you are using the right domain on the cf7 mail fields?
In case you are using a mail tag in the form of John Doe <[email protected]>, try to remove the name and the "<>" around the mailaddress and simply use just the email address.

l would require login details for further investigation.


Mike Peters comments:

Hi Db

Thanks for the reply,

Okay i tried this but unfortunately that didn't solve it,
I have a feeling the problem might have to do with some kind of Javascript conflict,
but the same contact form works on different pages, just not the homepage
so i dont think it has to do with the mail settings,

I've tried deleting all content from the homepage so that the page just contains the form and
it still has a problem, so i'm confused about what the conflict might be, i'm not sure how to test javascript

I'll pm you the backend details now

Thank you for your help!

Mike Peters comments:

Hi Db

Thanks for the reply,

Okay i tried this but unfortunately that didn't solve it,
I have a feeling the problem might have to do with some kind of Javascript conflict,
but the same contact form works on different pages, just not the homepage
so i dont think it has to do with the mail settings,

I've tried deleting all content from the homepage so that the page just contains the form and
it still has a problem, so i'm confused about what the conflict might be, i'm not sure how to test javascript

I'll pm you the backend details now

Thank you for your help!

mod mi comments:

Hi Mike,

Ok. The login details were incorrect


Rempty answers:

How are you embedding the contact form in the footer? are you using a shortcode?


buzztone answers:

<blockquote>i've put test forms in the widget area and they also give the same error, however those same test forms send when I put them on in the main content of test pages, </blockquote>
<blockquote>if you go to for example, both forms are sending
they just dont seem to be sending from the homepage</blockquote>
<blockquote>I have a feeling the problem might have to do with some kind of Javascript conflict,
but the same contact form works on different pages, just not the homepage
so i dont think it has to do with the mail settings</blockquote>

You are on the right track. Remember different JavaScript can be loaded on different pages.

CF7 email sending on normal WP pages confirms that CF7 is working correctly and your email setup (which can cause problems) is OK.

Same problem on Widgets & Home page indicates a problem with how your theme is handling the CF7 shortcodes.

Switch temporarily to a WP Default theme to see if the problem goes away.

If not it could also be a problem with another plugin. Do the old "switch off all your plugins” dance to find the offender.

I've also written some articles on these issues at which is used by hundreds of people from all over the world each day.


Ryan S answers:


I confuse because the form on footer on this url is not from Contact Form 7 and you're using Contact Form 7 form on this url, so you mean both form on site footer are not working?

btw tested form on and I got "Thank you for your message. It has been sent.", meaning does it works fine BUT if you didn't get email notification it might be a SMTP issue.
