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Contact form 7 customization help WordPress


Hi Guys

I need some quick advice on the form on this page please

You will notice the email field input box is shorter than the others but I cannot find where to change the css settings to make it wider.

Can anyone firebug it for me and give me a point in the right direction or a snippet?

The client wants it asap so that's why i'm asking here to save time (it will take me ages to work it out)

Big thanks

Answers (2)


Navjot Singh answers:

Add this line

.wpcf7-form-control.wpcf7-email {
width: 100%;

in your theme's css file.

Change your width as per requirement.

Steve Watson comments:

Brilliant! Thank you so much Navjot!


Andrew Wong answers:

Try add

input[type=email] {width 100%;}

in your CSS. That will help for your next form as well.