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Contact form 7 button style not showing in Mac Chrome & Safari WordPress


Hi Guys

for some reason the css I am adding to make the submit button on this form is not taking effect

Windows Chrome looks just how I want it. However looking at it on a Mac in Chrome and Safari it does not look right.

Can you explain why this is please?

Many thanks

Answers (2)


Remy answers:

Can you show us how you want it for those among us who are only on mac ?

If your issue is the height of the button, you need to set border: none for it to apply on safari

Steve Watson comments:

Hi Remy

Thanks for your reply

here it is in Windows Chrome


Steve Watson comments:

Ok so your suggestion sorted the height out.

How would I add a hover effect?

Remy comments:

You can add an hover effect, like different background color, with styling in this code
.wpcf7-submit:hover {}

Steve Watson comments:

Excellent, thanks Remy

Steve Watson comments:

One tiny problem, the cursor does not change to a hand when i hover. I've tried adding cursor: hand; to the css

Remy comments:

It's cursor: pointer; to get a hand on the hover

Steve Watson comments:

Perfect thanks


isp_charlie answers:

can you explain what happening on Mac ?