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Configure woocommerce payment gateways + Purolator shipping WordPress


Hi everyone,

Need help setting up Moneris payment gateways on an existing website.
Woocommerce is now set-up with moneris payment plugin.

Problem is that on the checkout page there are no payment options (they are enabled on the backend). Site is bilingual - WPML enabled.

Product example on the site: [[LINK href="null"]][[/LINK]]

Thanks for any ideas or suggestions

Answers (1)


Reigel Gallarde answers:

I can help you. But I might need to access your site... [[LINK href=""]]PM ME[[/LINK]]...

Reigel Gallarde comments:

I can see the page source of checkout page has this at the end..

<!-- Performance optimized by W3 Total Cache. Learn more:

Minified using disk
Database Caching 6/166 queries in 0.110 seconds using disk (Request-wide DONOTCACHEDB constant is defined)

Served from: @ 2015-03-19 03:41:36 by W3 Total Cache -->

without the body end tag, the page is broken... try disabling the cache plugin...

alextego comments:

I tried disabling the WP total cache. It didn't work. Page still broken.

alextego comments:

Here is the list of the plugins running now:

iThemes Security

MailChimp Widget

Velvet Blues Update URLs


WooCommerce Moneris Gateway

WooCommerce Multilingual

WooCommerce Purolator


WordPress SEO

WPML Multilingual CMS

WPML String Translation

WPML Translation Management

Reigel Gallarde comments:

hmm... it's really hard to tell what is wrong cause as what I can only see is that the html tags are broken. The page did not parse completely.

Can you let me access your site? I may need an admin role. Just [[LINK href=""]]PM ME[[/LINK]] the access..

alextego comments:

I tried setting up a new checkout page and still get the same result. Maybe it is my template? I am using Enfold from Kriesi.

Reigel Gallarde comments:

the "page" I'm telling was the output on the browser. The "page" you are telling is not the problem. somewhere in your theme or plugin has an error. this error makes the html markup incomplete. that's why you are not seeing the bottom part of the page in the browser.