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Collaboration and secure file Submition WordPress


Hello WP people

I am looking for a soultion but not pretty sure how to search for it so i said let me write it here.

I need to make a website where clients will register, then will fill a concept form (for investment projects) then we the managment will see that form and comment on it, we = different users and we each will have different comments that r for internal use only. Then there is a replay to customer for his paper. So customer can follow up his paper through the site and see its status.
After that concept paper there are other files but it will be same step. Customer send or secure upload, we see comment and discuss, then we replay him.

Different users (fron our team) are needed. Security is a must.

So there is front end where customer upload his files and follow up which step he reached in the complete Application Submition.


There is internal use between us the team to see these files comments and maybe request other papers from the customer.

Hope some one can help

Thanks :)

Answers (2)


Ian Lincicome answers:

It sounds like you could use a plugin called "WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System" to accomplish this with a few modifications, but it is the closest thing I can think of that has the functionality you require. Check it out at

You would have to also add https support and perhaps some more security features to the wordpress site that you use that plugin on, but it could all be done for certain. You may need to hire an expert to make the necessary changes however.

If that ticket system plugin doesn't seem right for the job, there are others out there. Here's a good link to start looking through:

I feel starting with a ticket system plugin that allows file uploads is going to be the easiest way to do this but also try searching the plugin directory with other keywords that describe what you want to do and you might find something even more specific to your needs. If not, you could also search their theme directory. It is possible that a theme could have the functionality you need built in already, so it's worth a search.

Feel free to skype me if you want to hire someone to do the site for you at [email protected] and let me know if you have any other questions regarding this method. Also, if you're not locked into using WordPress, I could build a custom system for you in PHP as well.
Good luck!

Maioona comments:

Thank you.
I have tried that plugin and some others. But they r so much for support. I need more like application submition. My problem is what keyword to write.
I will try to search more. Thanks Ian

Ian Lincicome comments:

Honestly you are probably never going to find a plugin that fits your situation exactly. I think you may need to have one custom made, so if you cannot find what you are looking for, let me know and I'll be happy to build it for you at a reasonable rate.


Rempty answers:

Maybe you can try this WP FileBase
here the free demo plugin
and the demo