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Chrome & Wordpress back end drag and drop issue WordPress


Hi Guys

I am working on a site locally using Mamp, all going well until today when Chrome started not lettign me use the backend of Wordpress as I should be able to (drag and drop etc.)

see this -

Why does Chrome behave this way?

Where do i start to trouble shoot it?



Answers (2)


Balanean Corneliu answers:

I think your site is ok, the problem is your browser:Try first to clear a little:

Steve Watson comments:

That worked! So simple!!

Balanean Corneliu comments:

What is worked Steve? The Arnav solution or my ?

Steve Watson comments:

Clearing the cache fixed it.


Arnav Joy answers:

keep backup of your site and try to reinstall it

Arnav Joy comments:

or try installing this plugin

Steve Watson comments:

I don't thin the site is the problem, I have reinstalled it twice already.

The fact that it works ok in Safari leads me to believe it is a Chrome issue.

Steve Watson comments:

I don't thin the site is the problem, I have reinstalled it twice already.

The fact that it works ok in Safari leads me to believe it is a Chrome issue.

Arnav Joy comments:

ok then please try installing this plugin