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Changing my URL WordPress


I am rebranding a blog so I just want to change the name & site URL from to, and redirect the former to the new address.

I know I need to change the home address & site address in my general WP settings, but then I don't know what to do with my new domain info and FTP client (cyberduck).

I know I need to point nameservers somewhere, etc, but I have no idea how that works and google isn't helping me out much.

[[LINK href=""]]Here's a screenshot[[/LINK]] of what I'm looking at.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Sorry for the confusion! Here's the <em>proper</em> set of questions:

I am first attempting to host my new domain ( with the same host as (bluehost)..

From my Bluhost account, I selected "Assign a domain to your cPanel account" [[LINK href=""]]HERE[[/LINK]], then selected "Addon" domain, but I don't know what to name the Addon directory & subdomain [[LINK href=""]]HERE[[/LINK]].

And then from there I don't know what steps are next..

Answers (5)


Kannan C answers:

are is also godaddy? or different server?

Ant Lively comments:

Yes, Audiocompulsive is thru go daddy as well..

Kannan C comments:

first backup all your current site files under /public_html to your local.
I hope you have multi-domain hosting feature(probably it will be added as addon), just move all the files under /public_html to /public_html/

Kannan C comments:

If you need my help in moving the files, just pm me.

Kannan C comments:

FYI: you don't need to change the nameserver as it is already pointing to godaddy server, just move the files, change the site url either directly in mysql or from WP settings page. If you want to a redirection, switch ON the forwarder at to

Kannan C comments:

If you have the domain purchased from godaddy anf hosting from bluehost, you need change nameserver to point to bluehost.
From my Bluhost account, I selected "Assign a domain to your cPanel account" HERE, then selected "Addon" domain, but I don't know what to name the Addon directory & subdomain HERE.
Create a new directory -> set as and move the files as i said before.

Ant Lively comments:

Thanks Kannan. I actually just updated my original question because I was unsure about how to name the directory for the new domain in my hosting account. (See above.) Once I host the new domain properly, I'll move the files as you suggested..


Julio Potier answers:


you need to transfer all your public files into the new ftp, if you keep the same host, maybe you can ask him to do this task.
then, logically you got new FTP log/pass for the new TLD, si just replace this.

did i miss something ? maybe, sorry :)


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Simply point the new domain to the same folder. And change URL from WordPress admin. Thats all!

Fahad Murtaza comments:

This way you wont need to do anything else.


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Remember advise the change to search engines, for example, [[LINK href=""]]Google Webmaster Tools[[/LINK]].


Ehthisham tk answers:

You can add the new domain as AddON domain