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Changing colors in a theme WordPress



I purchased a theme from and using it for a clients web site. I need the colors of the theme changed and can't figure it out in the coding. I have posted this as a job on the website and have had no response. Can someone please help me on here.

The theme is the [[LINK href=""]]Restaurant Theme[[/LINK]]

Thanks in advance,

Answers (4)


Duncan O'Neill answers:

Hi Lakeen,

I've checked out the theme, and can change the colours for you.

Assuming it's just a matter of editing a .css file, and there is no work needed with images, I can do this for you for $12.

IF there are updates to images required, I'm happy to negotiate a reasonable fee.

Please contact me via messages on here, or [[LINK href="mailto:[email protected]"]][email protected][[/LINK]]



lakeeri7 comments:


My client and I are in the first steps of the design process and the colors may need changed around a bit if the design changes some. If i would have you do the initial change for $12 how much from then on would it cost?

Duncan O'Neill comments:

Hi again Lakeen,

that's really difficult to answer, because I don't know whether the initial change is a much larger or much smaller undertaking than the rest of the update. Can you be more specific as to what 'from then on' means?

Perhaps I do the initial change, and then you always have the option of re-advertising the rest of the updates if you're unhappy with what I quote you for the remaining update?

Re the 'from then on'';

If you can be more specific as to the scope of the changes, I can give you a concrete quote for that. I charge very reasonable rates, but it's probably best for the both of us if we settle on an amount before I start work though, and for that I need more specifics about 'from then on'.

I'm sorry if I sound evasive, I don't mean to be, it's just difficult negotiating job fees in public :-).

You can always email me on [email protected]




Jeremy Jared answers:

I will be glad to help.

<strong>Here are suggestions:</strong>

1. Make sure you are editing the correct css file. Many themes import stylesheets from the header.php file. You can open the header.php and look for any stylshees being called with the @ sign. Alternatively, you can [[LINK href=""]]download the Firefox plug-in Web Developer[[/LINK]] which gives you an edit CSS button, or View CSS button, and several other useful options. When you click the edit button you will see which CSS files are being used in the theme. Another very useful plug-in for this is the [[LINK href=""]]Firefox Plug-in FireBug[[/LINK]]. It also has the CSS features and more.

2. Are the colors images? If so, you can use Photoshop to open the files and use the Color Replacement tool to change the colors, then save them as the same name and format, upload them to the theme, and you now have new colors.

Or, if you don't want to do this yourself I will be happy to help you. Shoot me an e-mail if you would like to talk about it:
[[LINK href="mailto:[email protected]"]][email protected][[/LINK]]
<em>Take care,

Jeremy Jared comments:

<blockquote>I will change the color for you:</blockquote>

<strong>Price:</strong> $30.00


Peter Michael answers:

Unless you tell us which theme you purchased, it'll be not possible to give you a price estimate.

lakeeri7 comments:


The theme is the [[LINK href=""]]Restaurant Theme[[/LINK]]

Peter Michael comments:

What would you like to change? Text/Link colors? Background? Images?

lakeeri7 comments:


Please see [[LINK href=""]]this[[/LINK]].

My client would like the colors to go along with the HEADER image that I currently have on the site. I would also need the current header inserted also.