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Changing Title Case for Cart WordPress

How can I change the color of Cart, Coupon, Cart Totals, Product, Price. Quantity, Total?

AND the Lines in the tables from light grey?

Answers (4)


Arnav Joy answers:

what is url of your site?

robkaufman comments:

Website is in maintenance mode.


Shoeb mirza answers:

What is your website URL? Please post here, then it will be easier to help you..

robkaufman comments:

Website is in maintenance mode.

Shoeb mirza comments:

I feel like you are newbiew.

Here are the easiest instructions for you

Install the plugin "Custom Css"

Simply copy paste the following codes (under the box below) under that and save.

.cart-collaterals .cart_totals h2 { color: red; } /* For Cart Totals */
.woocommerce-cart .entry-header h1.entry-title { color: orange; } /* For Cart Heading */
.woocommerce-cart th.product-name { color: red; } /* For Product -name */
.woocommerce-cart th.product-quantity { color: red; } /* For Product - quantity */
.woocommerce-cart th.product-price { color: red; } /* For Product price */
.woocommerce-cart th.product-subtotal { color: red; } /* For Product total */

Now that depends which color you want

Visit the above link and simply replace the color code like

color: #000000;

robkaufman comments:

How about for the table lines?


IndiTheme - answers:

If your theme support custom css, just only additional css with pointing into their class/id ( don't forget to add important rule ).
But if your theme doesn't support it, edit your theme style and put it.

To know element class/id, open your web on Google Chrome. right clickin the "<strong>Cart, Coupon, Cart Totals, Product, Price. Quantity, Total</strong>", and then choose <strong>Inspect Element</strong>. You will see there.

If you need me to do, let's begin...

robkaufman comments:

How about for the table lines?

IndiTheme - comments:

tr, td, th { border-color: <em>Insert hex color here</em> }

robkaufman comments:

Didn't work

IndiTheme - comments:

.woocommerce table.cart.shop_table { border-collapse: collapse !important; }
.woocommerce table.cart.shop_table thead { border-bottom: 4px solid #000 !important;}
.woocommerce table.cart.shop_table tbody { border: 1px solid #000 !important }
.woocommerce table.cart.shop_table tbody tr { border-bottom: 1px solid #000 !important; }


Dbranes answers:

Here's an example (without seeing your site):

/* Cart Main title */
.woocommerce-cart .entry-title {
color: blue;

/* All headings in the .cart table */
.cart th {
color: blue;

/* Product Table Header*/
.cart th.product-name {
color: blue;

/* Price Table Header*/
.cart th.product-price {
color: blue;

/* Quantity Table Header*/
.cart th.product-quantity {
color: blue;

/* Total Table Header*/
.cart th.product-subtotal {
color: blue;

/* Sub Totals Heading*/
.cart-totals h2 {
color: blue;

robkaufman comments:

How about for the table lines?

Dbranes comments:

You could try something like:

.cart-item th {border-bottom: blue 3px solid !important; }
.cart-item td {border-bottom: blue 1px solid !important; }

Dbranes comments:

sorry, meant

.cart th {border-bottom: blue 3px solid !important; }
.cart-item td {border-bottom: blue 1px solid !important; }