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Change plugin from embedding youtube embed code WordPress


I have a plugin called MyVideo Poster 2.

It automatically embeds youtube videos from a specified user. Within the plugin you can specify a custom field to drop the embed code in. What I would like it to do is instead of dropping in the embed code I would like it to drop in the url of the video.

For example:

Current setting:
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Modified setting:

The plugin is available for download here:

Answers (2)


Denzel Chia answers:


Thanks for sending me a message.
Not sure what you want. I assume you want to update_post_meta with url instead of embed code.

Open up myvideoposter.php with an editor that has line numbers.
go to line number 1575

update_post_meta($postresult, $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo, $yembed);


update_post_meta($postresult, $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo, $embedyurl);


kayode brown comments:

Thanks for the rapid reply,

I tried that and it it did the following:


instead of

Denzel Chia comments:


Ok, maybe a quick hack to reconstruct back url can fixed that.

Now use this instead.
change line 1575 to

$full_url = "".$embedyurl;
update_post_meta($postresult, $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo, $full_url);


kayode brown comments:

I tried that and now its blank.

Denzel Chia comments:


Never mind. Is this on your test blog?
If yes, please eamil me ftp access and admin access to email[at]

I will add it into the script myself.
Do not want to waste anymore time here.

WPQuestions is breaking the code I posted.
Try again here.

$full_url = "".$embedyurl;
update_post_meta($postresult, $myvideoposter_custommetadatanamevideo, $full_url);


kayode brown comments:

I didn't close it. one second let me try again.


Lew Ayotte answers:

You know WordPress does this automatically, all you need to do is paste the URL of the video you want to embed...

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

kayode brown comments:

I know, but I want it to be an automatic feature. This plugin runs as a cron, therefore making the site updated every hour.

Lew Ayotte comments:

I don't follow... WordPress' oEmbed feature is automatic. No extra plugins necessary. (see the link)

kayode brown comments:

You would still have to copy the url of the youtube video. This plugin runs automatically. Meaning, I would upload a video to my youtube channel, and my website (this plugin) would automatically check my youtube rss feed and update my website accordingly.

Here this is the plugin in.

Lew Ayotte comments:

Oh, I see... I thought you just wanted to be able to paste the video URL in a post.