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Change of blog roll presentation WordPress



I am using Shaken Grid theme but not as a grid theme..... I am just using blog post that is 660px wide - see

Because of the grid theme the last post will come under the widget on the left hand side.
I don´t want this. I want the blog roll to be in a straight line.

Thanks for any help with this - Charlotte

Answers (2)


Christianto answers:

The class box need to be divided into sidebar and blog with other div element.
I can help you..
Please send me your temp admin username/pass


Christianto comments:


I have checked your site and edit it, I found its not about grid/css, the theme is using liquid layout and layouting with javascript help, if your monitor is more than 1024px wide resolution - for example 1920px it will expand to fill user screen horizontally and then vertically. It create problem like you mention if your screen is 1024px since sidebar is included on the structure.

It uses for layouting.

I think this is part of theme design/features, but if you want to remove it then we should edit the js files..

I have revert back to default.. waiting for your respond..

Charlotte Raboff comments:

I don´t need the liquid layout system so you can remove it..


Christianto comments:

Sorry I checked it, its not liquid layout. It only uses jquery-masonry for layouting..
Could you send me temp FTP ^_^
I can't edit js files on wp admin panel..

Christianto comments:

Please check your site now..

Christianto comments:

In case you need a backup..

Below list of files that I edited

script.js files under shaken-grid-premium/js/ directory.
loop.php, and custom.css under shaken-grid-premium/ directory.

Dont forget to choose me as winner


Charlotte Raboff comments:

Thanks Christianto - it´s working! :-)
I have voted on you... do I need to do anything more?


Peter Michael answers:

Untested, but try adding this to your CSS somewhere at the bottom. May have to adjust left margin width.
