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Change menu layout on the captivate theme WordPress



I am looking for a change to the navigation menu on the Captivate theme. Has anyone used this theme or can you help? I want to apply new styling to the UL LI in the header and remove the search option. I have removed the search option and fixed the positioning of the menu in the header however as you scroll the page and the menu navigation alters, the area the search option occupied remains and as you scroll back up the page, the space that was occupied before the search box was removed re appears.

Anyone any ideas?

Answers (3)


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


Can you please give the link

Hariprasad Vijayan comments:

Also remove search option from your floating menu.

Daniel Q comments:

Daniel Q comments:

<em>Also remove search option from your floating menu.</em>


Hariprasad Vijayan comments:

I don't see search option while scroll the page. Please check it again after clearing cache of your browser.

Hariprasad Vijayan comments:

Can you show the screenshot?

Daniel Q comments:

I've cleared cache. I have removed the search box, it is the spacing which remains, I need to remove this...

Please see screenshots attached