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Change backgroung to white WordPress

Hello All
I am a wordpress novice in London UK.
I bought a wordpress template 'the firm' from
I would like to remove ALL the background colours, including the dark grey around the slider box.
Can any one help?
I'm happy to pay $10 but I will have many more questions... probably today and am happy to pay for those of course. Is $10 ok. Don't want to insult anyone out there!!

My domain is


Kevin Canadian in London

Hi All
thanks for the quick answers!! I don't know how to write code so I'm going to email juan.manuel to help me. Is there any thing else I need to do? Do In need to tell anyone that I no longer need the question answered?
Once again , many thanks !!!!!

Answers (5)


Luis Abarca answers:

You can remove the background style in the header.php

And change this in line 14 of your style.css

body {
background: white url(images/background.png) left top repeat-x;
color: #656464;
padding: 0;

to this
body {
background: white;
color: #656464;
padding: 0;

or just add this at the end of the file styles.css

body {
background: none;
background-color: white !important;

Luis Abarca comments:

You should also remove this code from your header.php, i recommend you to put all your css styles in style.css

<style type="text/css">
body { background-color: #f1ddff; }

Luis Abarca comments:

do you want to remove the footer background too ?? i think looks good but if you want to, you should also need to change the font color for something darker like #333


juan manuel incaurgarat answers:

i can do it :)
please contact me at [email protected]
as im gonna need FTP access :)
i can start right now

on line 22 look for #F1DDFF and change it to #fff
on line 14 delete the background property and put background-color: #fff; on its place

that should do :)

kreidcan comments:

Hi All
thanks for the quick answers!! I don't know how to write code so I'm going to email juan.manuel to help me. Is there any thing else I need to do? Do In need to tell anyone that I no longer need the question answered?
Once again , many thanks !!!!!


Clifford P answers:

Do you know how to edit CSS files?


In the appropriate places, change to #FFF (that's the color code for white) or background:none; or whatever other background manipulation you want.

If you don't know how to do CSS changes, please PM me your FTP login information - or WordPress admin login and I could do it for you.


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Hi Kevin,

Welcome here.

You have to delete "images/background.png" in the next CSS code (/wp-content/themes/Firm/style.css):

body {
background: #FFFFFF url(images/background.png) left top repeat-x;
color: #656464;
padding: 0;

It will be:

body {
background: #FFFFFF;
color: #656464;
padding: 0;

I recommend you to make transparent the background.


Dayana Kamaruzaman answers:


Open up the theme's css file (style.css).

1. For the grey background around the slider, find <strong>body</strong> and remove this line :
background: #FFFFFF url(images/background.png) left top repeat-x;

2. For the footer, find <strong>#wrap-footer</strong> and remove this line :
background: url("images/footer-wrap-bg.png") repeat-x scroll left bottom #3E3E3E;