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Categories 'module' not showing up WordPress


Hi Experts,

I am having issues with my theme. When I add a post, the Categories 'module' is not showing up on the post editing screen. This module I'm referring to is the one that normally shows up on the right side by the Post Tags and Post Thumbnail.

The Categories module was showing up a few weeks ago, but now all of a sudden it no longer shows up.

I am using Flutter for a few custom post types (theme was developed before WP 3.0)

Thanks a lot for your help.

Answers (2)


Darrin Boutote answers:

Click on the screen option tab (upper right-hand corner). When the screen option menus slides down, do you have categories checked off?


Oleg Butuzov answers:

<blockquote>I am using Flutter for a few custom post types (theme was developed before WP 3.0)</blockquote>

Category Dosn't apear in this custom post type?

if yes you need to add category taxonomy to your custom post type
example of adding custom taxonomy. repalce taxonomyname and custom-post-type-name by your names.

register_taxonomy( 'taxonomyname', 'custom-post-type-name',
'hierarchical' => true,
'label' => __('taxonomy name'),
'query_var' => 'taxonomyname',
'rewrite' => array(
'slug' => 'taxonomyname',
'with_front' => true