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Cart 66 Plugin, PayPal style page WordPress

I am using Cart66 ecommerce plugin, which I use a Paypal account that I also use for another business website.

I need the checkout with paypal button that is on the checkout page to use a different paypal style page that I have created in Paypal. It currently shows my primary header, but I feel this will confuse people who try to checkout through the this website, so it needs to show a different header image on the paypal page.

This link explains better what I need doing with a different shopping cart software.

Answers (1)


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

sorry dave, but what's your question ? :-)

Dave Clark comments:

I am using one paypal account for 2 different websites.

I need my paypal button on the checkout page of my website (I use cart 66 on my wordpress site), which links to the paypal payment page, to bring in another one of my paypal page styles, as it currently loads my primary paypal page which I use for another website.

Basically I need another header image to show on the paypal payment page, as the one I currently have, I use for my other website and this will confuse the customers of this wordpress website.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

OK. Site 1 have a page (page1) with image 1 in header.
and you want that when i click from site 2, i go to page1 but, in this case, image 1 is replaced by image 2.
That's it ?

You have the URL of page 1 ?

Dave Clark comments:

Add something to the shopping cart, click checkout, then click the paypal button...

This will open up the paypal page with a The Little Big Toy Shop Ltd header image.

I need to be able to change the paypal page style so it shows a sylvanian families header image, instead of a The Little Big Toy Shop header image on the paypal page.

They discuss it here...

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

that is the forum of wp-e-commerce plugin, not cart 66 :-))
could you send me the folder of the plugin plesae, i look at that

maildeseb @

Dave Clark comments:

I know, but they are trying to do the same thing. I'll email over the folder...