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Capture data in admin area WordPress


I'm trying to setup a page in admin area to capture some values and output the results on several pages and sidebar. [see attached image similar to my expectation]

It is a WP multisite install.

I've looked into meta boxes and custom fields, those are fine on pages and posts. as it is a multisite install, I can't determine the post id to call the field. [ that is my understanding].

how can I achieve this.

in admin area
page: Obituary Notice
field group 1: Name, date of birth, date of death, description, photo, place of birth, town, country.
field group 2(contact info): Name, Country, Tel [repeatable)
field group 3(cremation info): Date, Time, Venue, Post code

Please note: in field group 2 Tel field is repeatable, if they want to add more numbers, also the whole field group 2 is repeatable if they want to add another person.

in front end,
I like to use do_shortcode
or any of the following plugins

thanks in advance.


Answers (2)


Luis Abarca answers:

For the screen, you can use custom post type with a metabox.

To show in all sites the same info you can use a shared table to save the details, the blog and post ID, using the "save_post" hook.

So you can make a custom query to that table to get all records.

$wpdb->query('SELECT blogid, id, name, etc FROM mytable');

So you can swith to that blog and get the info from the post ID,

switch_to_blog( $blogid );

get_post( $postid );

sri rahulan comments:

Hi Luis,
let me make it clear,
each obituary gets it own site [subdomain]
each subdomain sites may have 4-5 pages, with in those 4-5 pages I want to call the field values entered in admin area.

workflow is,
when a new user signup, he will get a subdomain site, where he/she can post the obituary notice of their relatives. when they log in to the site, they will be presented with the obituary notice page in admin area. I want to call the mentioned fields in condolence page and other pages with in their site.

functions.php is much appreciated. [I'm not a tech saavy]
using any metabox/custom fields plugins mentioned on the initial post.




Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

i don't understand...

you speak about a page "Obituary Notice" and your image is an option page (transport option)

what do you want to do exactly ? and what's your problem ?

sri rahulan comments:

Hi Sébastien,
transport option image is just a reference from other site. just to show the visual functionality.

problem detailed on Luis reply.



Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

arf !
you want create a meatbox with fields, simply
and need to display the value of each field in front
that's it ?

sri rahulan comments:

yes, that's right.

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

ok ! i write the code !
just a moment !

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

the metabow must be in a page ? in a post ? in custom post type (wich name in this case) ?

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

i can create the code or you can use a very good solution : magic fields
very, very good solution

and i can help you to understand how use this plugin

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

that's the code for the first group with two fields : name and firstname

add_action("admin_init", "admin_init");
add_action('save_post', 'save_meta');

function admin_init(){
add_meta_box("obituary-meta-group1", "obituary notice group1", "obituary_group1_options", "post", "advanced", "low");//replace post by page or by the name of the custom post type where yiu want your metabox

function obituary_group1_options(){
global $post;
$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
$obituary_lastname = $custom["obituary_lastname"][0];
$obituary_firstname = $custom["obituary_firstname"][0];

<label><strong>Name </strong><br><input style="text-transform:uppercase" size="0" name="obituary_lastname" id="obituary_lastname" maxlength="255" type="text" class="large-text" value="<?=$obituary_lastname ?>"></label><br><br>
<label><strong>Firstname </strong><br><input style="text-transform:capitalize" size="0" name="obituary_firstname" id="obituary_firstname" maxlength="255" type="text" class="large-text" value="<?=$obituary_firstname ?>"></label><br><br>


function save_meta(){
global $post;

$obituary_lastname = $custom["obituary_lastname"][0];
$obituary_firstname = $custom["obituary_firstname"][0];

update_post_meta($post->ID, "obituary_lastname", $_POST["obituary_lastname"]);
update_post_meta($post->ID, "obituary_firstname", $_POST["obituary_firstname"]);

Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:

if you want to display the name and the firstname in the front, use this code (for example in the single.php) :

$name= get_post_meta($post->ID,"obituary_lastname",TRUE";
if($name) echo "Name : " . $name;

$firstname= get_post_meta($post->ID,"obituary_firstname",TRUE";
if($name) echo "<br>Firstname : " . $firstname;

sri rahulan comments:

pls. find attached image

will you able to use one of the meta-fields plugin mentioned in the initial post, it will be easy for me to add more fields if needed in later stage.

will try your code and let you know.

