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Cannot figure out WSOD WordPress


I have the most perplexing WP issue I've yet experienced. As near as I can tell it's a problem with the db and not the WP code.

Here is my setup:
- Just Host web hosting
- WP 2.9.1
- WP e-commerce plugin (latest)

I have a working installation here:

But this installation is getting the WSOD on both the wp-admin and browsing the site:

I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on. Here's what I've tried:

- removed the plugins in /retail, but WSOD persists
- checked the wp-config.php for leading and trailing spaces, but there are none
- created a fresh WP install without any plugins at:
This works and I go through the new install setup.
- took a mysql backup from /pip (known working db) and imported to /wptest. This causes the WSOD too.
- to see if I could pin it on the web host, I set up a new WP install on my personal web space and imported the /pip mysql backup. Same WSOD.

I'm out of options at this point and very frustrated. Does anyone out there have any suggestions?

@cagdas The values of both siteurl and home in wp_options are what they should be:

@scribu Thanks for the tip. Now I've got a bunch of errors to sort through. Any help on deciphering?

Now that I have somewhere to go now that I can see error messages, I am going to point the /retail installation back to the original retail db and start troubleshooting from there. Will appreciate more input.

Answers (3)


scribu answers:

Did you try adding this to wp-config.php?

define('WP_DEBUG', true);

scribu comments:

You'll need to post the errors here, for any deciphering to occur. :)

Joe Golike comments:

Ok, to set a baseline, I created a fresh WP install (with empty mysql db) here. I'll give you the url in a sec.

I turned on WP_DEBUG and I got an error-free default WP blog.

Then I uploaded the latest version of wp-ecommerce to the plugins folder, and activated it through wp-admin.

Now I am seeing a bunch of errors, and this is on a fresh install of WP and a fresh install of WP-ecommerce. It doesn't instill a lot of confidence in me for wp-ecommerce to be generating all these errors by itself. Should I be worried about all these error messages?

scribu comments:

Errors that begin with <strong>Notice:</strong> are harmless, most of the time, but they usually mean sloppy coding.

Joe Golike comments:

Yeah I've known from the moment I first dug into wp-ecommerce php that the code was ugly. I've restored /retail to the WSOD condition to compare to the errors that /wptest is giving:

Joe Golike comments:

Oops, here's the two installs:

The only difference is #1 has blank WP and wp-ecommerce plugin. #2 is using the last known good mysql db before I started getting WSOD. #2 is currently WSOD, but #1 is not.

scribu comments:

Did you enable WP_DEBUG in #2 ?

Joe Golike comments:

Oh sorry I'm trying to keep these various installs and backups straight and it's making my head swim.

WP_DEBUG is enabled now.

scribu comments:

This is the reason why it's failing:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class usps in /home/thedoll1/public_html/retail/wp-content/plugins/wp-e-commerce/shipping/usps-new.php on line 2

You should report this to the developers of the wp-e-commerce plugin.

Joe Golike comments:

I deleted usps-new.php as it was a file that I had modified for my client's shipping needs. I thought renaming it would render it useless, but apparently wp-ecommerce is autoloading all php files in that folder?

I am still getting a WSOD when trying to login to WP:

I don't see any fatal errors. Any ideas?

scribu comments:

It's trying to do a redirect, but it can't, because of the notices.

Comment out the WP_DEBUG line.

Joe Golike comments:

Commented it out. Weird, now it's loading apparently fine.


Cagdas Unal answers:

1. Login to phpMyAdmin control panel.
2. Click the database name that you use.
3. Browse the wp_options table.
4. Edit "siteurl" and "home" row as you want.

I hope it will help.


Brandon Dove answers:

Try deactivating your custom theme in /pip then export the data. Then when you import the data to the new site, activate the custom theme.

Brandon Dove comments:

Have you tried deactivating WP-Ecommerce now that you're getting some output?

Joe Golike comments:

See my reply to Scribu above.