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Can you make me not look like an idiot? WordPress


Someone, dear someone:

I want a really terrific interface with my WP console, one that, gosh, puts line breaks in where I want, formats captions on photos so that i don't have to try to figure out if I have to code them myself with CSS or Php -- in short I want a blog that doesn't look like crap. Which mine does. Right now. Hell, see for yourself.
I want this blog to look fabulous so people will come from miles around and line up just to get down.

I bought a template, installed it through godaddy and am using wordpress rather than godaddy's interface for editing. Is it the code in the (outdated) template I bought that sucks? Or is it's dashboard? Would using godaddy's interface fix my probs? Should I bite the bullet and pay for iBlogPro4

I also want to integrate facebook connect with my blog.

I'm not an idiot -- but I sound like one right now, I'm sure. I'm not a complete newbie at coding, but I'm feeling out of my depth here.

Answers (4)


Lew Ayotte answers:

Ultimately the theme will control the look and feel of the content you post through WordPress. Some premium themes have options to control certain aspects of the look and feel, while others are more static. It looks like your current theme is not coded very well.

If you want a custom theme, you can expect to spend a lot more money. For instance, I charge 100$/hr to develop custom themes, usually takes 20-40 hours depending on needs.

Alternatively, there are tons of very good looking premium themes available. Check out:,,,

I have no experience with iBlogPro4, but it looks like it might be pretty decent.

Also, you may be able to get a good free theme from the WordPress repository:


Jared Williams answers:

You are able to easily search and install free themes from the WordPress repository right from your sites admin area.

Under the Appearance section go to Themes, and then click the install tab (if using WP 3.0) and you can search for themes using different ways from there. And even preview themes before you install them.

If you find one you like, you just click install, and WordPress does the work for you. You don't have to worry about uploading files or anything.


Bradley Smith answers:

What you need is a nice professional looking theme. If you value your time, do not go with as listed above. While they look nice, they are not very flexible (not easy to switch themes later on) and require editing of code. I recommend:

both are excellent companies willing to help you out with any questions you may have. It's worth the little bit of extra money they cost. Solostream has nice videos detailing the flexibility of each theme they put out.

If you decide to go with a solostream theme, I would appreciate it if you used my affiliate link:

Regarding the facebook connect, try this plugin:

for a little more functionality (but more setup time) go with this one:

If you have any questions you can contact me at

Good luck with your site!


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Contact with me.