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Can't remove theme preview image from theme options section WordPress

Hi guys,

I am having a bit of an issue..

<strong>I am trying to either change or remove the thumbnail preview image of the theme I am using from the wordpress theme options page</strong> (ie the page where you choose which theme you want to use on your site ....under appearance / themes)

I have already removed the image from the site via FTP and although the image has been removed it is still showing up on the wordpress theme options page!...I have no idea how this could be..

I would be happy to give someone who is confident they can remove the thumbnail preview image the username and password to the wordpress site or the FTP details --whichever they need.

Look forward to your replies.


Answers (6)


Agus Setiawan answers:

let me help you,


sunsun800 comments: can you help? What details do you need...?....this is my first time using this site.

Agus Setiawan comments:

i need an ftp access,

but send details through PM (* private message ),

i send you PM,

thank you.


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

If you have changed it via FTP and you still see it in your browser then you just need to refresh your browser cache. CTRL+F5 should work in most case.

You can shoose your browser to see how to clear its cache files:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Good luck!

sunsun800 comments:

Hi, I just deleted the cash for the last week and the image is still there :( thanks for the suggestion though.

Abdelhadi Touil comments:

If you are sure you have changed or removed the right theme thumbnail, then I still think it's just a cache problem. I can help you if you send me your FTP and Wordpress login details.
Good luck.


Ryan S answers:

Hi make sure you do the ff.

1. Find and remove screenshot.png/screenshot.jpg into your CURRENT theme file.
2. Refresh your browser, there's no need for clear your cache if you do it right then it automatically remove it from WordPress dashboard preview

Hope that helps


Arnav Joy answers:

which theme are you using?


Firoja_Imtosupport answers:


Please can you give me a chance, i assure you i will do it.

Firoja_Imtosupport comments:


Please give me your skype id.


Balanean Corneliu answers:

Thanks for colaboration Sunny.