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CSS problems with map/panel width on several templates WordPress


I am developer of the plugin [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] and discovers some display inaccuracies of my maps with panels on several templates and could not find out yet whats wrong.

With my plugin you can create maps with panels, which include the map name on the left side and API icon links on the right side. I now found the following bugs and need a solution:

1. on several templates (like twenty eleven - see first map on [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] for an example), the map width is smaller than the panel with, although panel and map div have the same size in pixel. If you look at this example: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] where I use another template, the map and panel width is exactly the same.

2. the second problem is that when the text in the panel is too long (see second map on [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] for an example), the images of the API links donĀ“t stay in the top right corner of the panel but get displayed below the panel text and make a white space between the panel and the map.

Can anyone tell me please, what to change within the html (divs/span...) and css in order to always get the wanted result? (same width panel/map; panel api links always in the top right corner of the panel; no whitespace between panel and map). I would need a solution which is not just a workaround for the two mentions templates but works on all templates.


Answers (5)


Jermaine Oppong answers:

Hello there,

The first problem is due to the extra padding on the element as Ivaylo stated. The second issue is due to the fact that you are working with elements that have <strong>display:inline</strong> as a default css property, with the span wrapping the icons floated to the right.

My advice to solve both problems is to remove the padding from the <strong>#panel_top_...</strong> wrapper and apply it to the contents instead. This means replacing the span tags in the panel with divs and setting the larger width+padding to the text and a smaller width to the icons. So something like this:

<div class="map_panel" id="panel_top_8e6e162d">
<div class="panel_desc">Panel Description should go here</div>
<div class="panel_icons">panel icons</div>
</div><!--map_panel div-->

and in the css having:

background: #efefef;
border:1px solid #ccc;

width: 510px;


Its also good to set the css styling for the maps in a seperate stylesheet to allow users to easily change the styling of the panel and map container to their liking.

My next advice in this is a tweak suggestion on how the result is outputted onto the page. This will make it a bit easier in the future to make amendments and does not seperate the panel from the map itself:

<div class="maps_marker" id="maps_marker_{A dynamically generated id for each instance}">

<div class="map_panel" id="panel_top_8e6e162d">
<div class="panel_desc">Panel Description should go here</div>
<div class="panel_icons">panel icons</div>
</div><!--maps_panel div-->

<div class=" leaflet-container leaflet-fade-anim">
Actual Map is outputted here
</div><!-- map_output -->

</div><!--maps marker div to wrap panel and map together-->

then in the css you can have:

background: #efefef;
border:1px solid #ccc;

width: 510px;


Setting the divs wrapping the panel and the map together with a width will cause its immediate children to inherit that same width.

Hope this helps.


Luis Cordova answers:

for the first proble

1. on several templates (like twenty eleven - see first map on for an example), the map width is smaller than the panel with, although panel and map div have the same size in pixel. If you look at this example: where I use another template, the map and panel width is exactly the same.

basically the inner div is following the constraint imposed by the outer width

however the header where titles and social icons reside is hard coded to be of a fixed width

solution is either to relax that constraint on the div that encloses the icons and title by overriding the css there

Luis Cordova comments:

the second problem is similar, it all comes because of the fix hard constraint, the div will not expand and there is overflow


Ivaylo Draganov answers:


1) The toolbar and map <div>s have the same width(640px), but there's a 5px padding on the toolbar <div>. That makes the width of the toolbar actually 650px (width + left & rigt padding).

You should correct the script that generates those properties. Or you can use 'box-sizing: padding-box;" in the CSS, but that's not supported in IE 7 and below (and probably other old versions of browsers).

Ivaylo Draganov comments:

2) It's better to use positioning rather than floats if you want to stick the icons to the top right corner of the panel. Something like this:

#panel_top_5941526a {
position: relative; /* relatively position the toolbar panel */

/* Styles to use on the element that contains the icons (you should give it a class) */
span {
position: absolute;
right: 5px;
top: 5px;

These are purely CSS issues and they've little to do with WP itself. Maybe the template's CSS is somehow interfering with your CSS. Give your elements classes and inspect them with Firebug to see what's wrong.


Fahad Murtaza answers:

So I think the best solution would be creating the unique IDs for every div container and generate the CSS based on that. A more strict approach towards XHTML node naming and respective CSS would solve the issue.


Julio Potier answers:

I also suggest to use CSS classes instead of inline STYLE.