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CSS menu issue WordPress


I have a menu up and running, well two to be exact, but the first is the one I need help with.

on the very left hand of each menu, the actual word of the last menu item appears. I need this to be corrected so it does not appear. What am I missing?

Answers (4)


flashingcursor answers:

In your style.css file:

#menu-top-menu li a, #menu-top-menu li a:visited

Change this line:

text-indent: -1000px;


text-indent: -10000px;

Should be fine after that.

Nile Flores comments:

Exactly what I needed. :) Thanks!

flashingcursor comments:

No problem -- I see that one all the time as screens get wider. :)


Jignesh Patel answers:


I dont think so there is any issue. I can see the menu items fine in all browsers !


MagoryNET answers:

Could you be more specific? I don't see anything wrong with your menu. In what browser do you see this problem?


Rashad Aliyev answers:


Did you done your menu via MENU ORDER? check your menu order from your themes admin panel.