I am having some major issues getting my "Trending Top-Kicks" part of my site to look consistent with the rest of my sidebar menus. Can someone please type up what I need to do to get this looking right?
Thank you!!!
See: [[LINK href="http://www.nicekicks.com"]]http://www.NiceKicks.com[[/LINK]]
Denzel Chia answers:
In your style.css
find .sidebar-box
add in a height so that it stretches down and provides background for the widget.
try adding
Matt Halfhill comments:
How do I get the white lines in there between each entry?
Denzel Chia comments:
Within your div class='sidebar-box'
there is another div (the one that wraps the image and excerpt), but this does not have css class.
there are inline css.
Add a height:75px; and border-bottom:1px solid #ffffff;
and you will see the white line.