I have a WP setup with the plugins ContactForm7 - ContactForm7 Dynamic Text Extension - and WP Favorite Post.
I made a custom Function in the CF7 DTX Extension to have a shortcode that put the urls of the favorites in a CF7 emailbody.
My Problem is that the output of the function is in one line in the email.
e.g. url1url2url3...
should be
I try to make a Breakline in the function but it look like CF7 rip this from the script ?
my C7 DTX function is (I use custom post types!)
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= $property['permalink'].'</br>'; // <--------this is the variable for the url the </br> tag is not reconized in the emailbody
$fav_post .= 'favlist is empty.';
return $fav_post;
add_shortcode('CF7_favlist', 'cf7_favlist');
Hope someone can help to get the function output an Breakline that works in the email body.
Julio Potier answers:
Try with '<br />' or "\n" (take care, i wrote " and not ' for the \n ! )
See you !
Peter Brain comments:
i see, the /br tag was a typo but it do not work
$fav_post .= $property['permalink']."/n"; do not work it adds the /n after the url e.g.
Julio Potier comments:
Bad, try to enclose with <div> tags
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= '<div>' . $property['permalink'].'</div>';
$fav_post .= 'favlist is empty.';
return $fav_post;
add_shortcode('CF7_favlist', 'cf7_favlist');
or use "nl2br" function :
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= $property['permalink'];
$fav_post .= 'favlist is empty.';
return nl2br( $fav_post );
add_shortcode('CF7_favlist', 'cf7_favlist');
Peter Brain comments:
the urls will not break this must be a filter in cf7 i guess
Arnav Joy answers:
try returning this as
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= $property['permalink'].'</br>'; // <--------this is the variable for the url the </br> tag is not reconized in the emailbody
$fav_post .= 'favlist is empty.';
return nl2br($fav_post);
add_shortcode('CF7_favlist', 'cf7_favlist');
Peter Brain comments:
this do not work, the url's are still in one line
Arnav Joy comments:
ok how you are calling the function ??
Arnav Joy comments:
try this
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= $property['permalink'].'<br />'; // <--------this is the variable for the url the </br> tag is not reconized in the emailbody
$fav_post .= 'favlist is empty.';
return nl2br($fav_post);
add_shortcode('CF7_favlist', 'cf7_favlist');
Note you used br as </br> in place
of <br />
use my code
Arnav Joy comments:
when you send your email did you checked the header for the html content??
$headers= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers.= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers.= 'From: from name'. "\r\n" .
'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
Arnav Joy comments:
try this you will get that your email is ok with html tags or not
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
$fav_post ="<table>";
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= '<tr><td>'.$property['permalink'].'</td></tr>'; // <--------this is the variable for the url the </br> tag is not reconized in the emailbody
$fav_post .= '<tr><td>favlist is empty.</td></tr>';
$fav_post ="</table>";
return nl2br($fav_post);
Peter Brain comments:
i have Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" don't know if this can be changed in CF7
Arnav Joy comments:
so use my this function you will get html is ok or not
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
$fav_post ="<table>";
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= '<tr><td>'.$property['permalink'].'</td></tr>'; // <--------this is the variable for the url the </br> tag is not reconized in the emailbody
$fav_post .= '<tr><td>favlist is empty.</td></tr>';
$fav_post ="</table>";
return nl2br($fav_post);
Arnav Joy comments:
how do you using this function in sending email can you tell or it is automated from this plugin it self..
if you are using wp_mail() or mail() then use it as:--
$mailContent = nl2br($mailContent);
and pass this varible in the message .
Peter Brain comments:
the output in the email body is empy :(
Arnav Joy comments:
try this
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
$fav_post ="<table>";
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= '<tr><td>'.$property['permalink'].'</td></tr>'; // <--------this is the variable for the url the </br> tag is not reconized in the emailbody
$fav_post .= '<tr><td>favlist is empty.</td></tr>';
$fav_post ="</table>";
return $fav_post;
Kannan C answers:
break tags cannot work on emails. You may try \r\n
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= $property['permalink']."\r\n";
$fav_post .= 'favlist is empty.';
return $fav_post;
add_shortcode('CF7_favlist', 'cf7_favlist');
Peter Brain comments:
you got it !! Thanx a lot
rizaljohn answers:
Wrap it with p tag
Peter Brain comments:
i try it before that do no work.
rizaljohn comments:
Please make sure that the email settings accept html tags.
Peter Brain comments:
yes it is, this was the first thing that i try
Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:
Hi Groundcontrol,
Try with two '<br/>' it will rest in this way:
function cf7_favlist(){
$favorite_post_ids = wpfp_get_users_favorites();
if ($favorite_post_ids):
foreach ($favorite_post_ids as $property_id) {
$property = prepare_property_for_display(get_property($property_id, "get_property['children']={$show_property['children']}"));
$fav_post .= $property['permalink'].'<br/><br/>'; // <--------this is the variable for the url the </br> tag is not reconized in the emailbody
$fav_post .= 'favlist is empty.';
return $fav_post;
add_shortcode('CF7_favlist', 'cf7_favlist');
Peter Brain comments:
nope, looks like the <br/> is filtered in the emailbody
Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:
If this is filtered try this CSS: http://www.handycss.com/how/how-to-insert-line-breaks-via-css-without-br-tag/