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Bulk edit date on posts WordPress


I am trying to find out how to bulk edit post-dates
any ideas???
I have been looking for plugs and hacks but so far no luck

Jacob Tekiela

Answers (2)


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Hi Jacob,

You can do it directly in SQL.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

You have to do an UPDATE to wp_posts, exactly to the next fields: post_date (in your time zone) and post_date_gmt. You need a condition and run the query:

UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_date = 'YOUR_VALUE', post_date_gmt = 'YOUR_VALUE'

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

You should use phpMyAdmin or any other MySQL client to do this into the database that WordPress use.

Jacob Tekiela comments:

Thank you - had hoped to be able to do it from the admin

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

If you need further information about it, ask me.


John Cotton answers:

Francisco's is a good solution and certainly the quickest way if you've got fairly simple changes to make.

If you changes are more complex, then a little bit of PHP might help (using $wpdb), but ultimately you'd be mixing it with SQL so you could just go straight there.

Jacob Tekiela comments:

thank you for your answers, I had hoped to do it inline from the admin

have seen tutorials where you can add NEW custom-columns, bulk-edit and save with AJAX - but I simply want do batch edit the <strong>existing</strong> date

I have many posts


John Cotton comments:

<blockquote>have seen tutorials where you can add NEW custom-columns, bulk-edit and save with AJAX - but I simply want do batch edit the existing date</blockquote>

Sure you can do that, but the code needs creating to do it.

There may be a plugin that does this but in code terms adding columns and capturing the ajax return for bulk rows is not a simple, 2 minute thing. If you had this requirement regularly, it might be worth the element to create the various bits of code necessary. But if it's a one-off thing, go with the SQL option.