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Build up WP-Site new WordPress


Hi, my WP-Site was attacked, so I made a backup from the httpdocs-folder and after I deleated the whole web-directory. First I thougt, I just can upload the httpdocs-folder new, but the database is missing. Now my questions, what steps I have to do to recreate my site?

I already tried to creat a new mysql-database with the informations I found in wp-config.php, but after the page was still not working.

Answers (5)


Marko Nikolic answers:


do you have a copy of db? Did you delete it as well when you deleted all files from httdocs folder?

If not, you should be able to reupload all files including wp-config.php and site should be online again. But I advice you to scan your site in order to find which files have been attacked. I recommend [[LINK href=""]]Sucuri scan website[[/LINK]] and [[LINK href=""]]Exploit scanner WP plugin[[/LINK]].

If you need more help, let me know.


Simone Fuchs comments:

No, I have no copy of the db, I only have the httpdocs-files. The whole db is gone...

Marko Nikolic comments:

I am affraid your only option is to ask your hosting provider to place the latest copy they have (they should be creating backups from time to time).

In the meantime, I think it would be good idea to create new WP installation and scan files with services I mentioned in previous post. If you need help about that, I can do it for you.


Dbranes answers:

If for some reason you can't get a database backup from your hosting provider, you could try as a <strong>last resort</strong> to check out your webpage in <strong>Google Cache</strong>, like this for :

or <strong>The Wayback Machine</strong>, like this for*/

Read more about it here:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Here is a Google Cache Browser:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

If you are lucky, you might recover some of your lost content ;-)


Asad Iqbal answers:

There is no way actually to get back the site without help of hosting provider. Which hosting you are using currently? They must have a support ticket option. Go there and submit a support ticket asking for a backup. Then scan the files, install a fresh copy of WordPress, import the database, upload the theme folder and 'uploads' folder. I hope this way you get your site up.


Rowela Alzona answers:

Call or Email your hosting provider and ask them if they have a backup copy of your website.


cunningfox answers:

For future reference, I've found this plugin to be absolutely amazing:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

(not that it helps now, but could save you time in the future)

Good luck!