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BuddyPress activity/post & /reply pages are Not Found 404 WordPress


I updated my BuddyPress installation and now users are unable to post updates personally or in groups. When attempting to post an update the resulting URL is (or activity/reply) page result in 404 Not Found errors.

Using WP 3.2.1
BuddyPress 1.5

Thanks in advance for the help

Answers (3)


Pixel Coder answers:

Big step for BuddyPress in 1.2 to 1.5 and very early on.

Unless there's some every day BuddyPress guys here who write lots of code for the platform you may want to post this in the official BuddyPress forums.

Also, did you use the backwards compatibility plugin?

Links of interest for you.

Matt comments:

Couldn't get the Backwards Compatibility Plugin to work. Got this:


I've been through the BuddyPress forums and I've got nothing so far.

Any other ideas?

Matt comments:

I meant to say that I got an error saying there was a problem with that file - that it couldn't find a function

Pixel Coder comments:

Sorry mate, i've not spent enough time with BuddyPress 1.5 and wouldn't dare to give advice that gives you actions to submit.

Just keep in mind this is a huge release, not sure if you did much research before upgrading or even read that page. BuddyPress does loads behind the scenes and there are millions of use cases to consider.

Did you put it on a testing site first? If so, how was it there?
Do you use any other plugins to go with BuddyPress?
Which theme do you use? Is it a child theme?
- Have you cross-referenced your function names with what's available in the new release? Lots became deprecated in this upgrade. Like seriously HUGE amounts, it's all native BuddyPress now....

I do however suggest you roll back your site to pre 1.5 and put this in a staging environment before upgrading.

Maybe it's a known issue and someone may come along and help you out.

Apart from that, can't give you more advice.


Abdessamad Idrissi answers:

this is maybe related to your permalink structure;
* try to backup your htaccess file and delete it.
* go to dashboard and change permalinks and save them, this will recreate a new htaccess file, and may solve your 404 error.

hope it works :)


Nelim answers:

Same problem.

Installed (not upgraded)

WP 3.2.1
BP 1.5

I tried :
- My account ("/members/nelim/activity/")
- Personal announcement > "Hey"
- Click "publish"
- > send to "/activity/post/" 404 page

Verified :
- .htaccess and mod_rewrite on => OK
- permalinks => OK

No solution for now ...

Environment : 1&1 Dual Classique

Theme : BuddyPress Default 1.5