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BuddyPress Invite friend to event WordPress


Hi, I have a buddypress site with a good events plugin installed (

I want buddypress to suggest users that I can invite to my events based on 2 criteria:

- Only show users that are in the category that the event belongs too. For example: If the event is in the category 'Badminton', then only show users that are members of the buddypress group 'Badminton'.

- How many friends you have in common, list from most friends in common first to fewer friends in common last. (This functionality has been built and working in this plugin:

So I need the above algorithm to be written and then a way of inviting the suggested users to the event page.

This is what I received from the events plugin author (currently too busy to help me unfortunately):

Maintaining invited list
I would store the user IDs as post meta. (When using the map_meta_cap filter, you use the event (post) ID to get an array of user IDs who have been invited. If the current user is in that array, then you remove the requirement that they be able to 'view private events'. (The map_meta_cap filters an array of required capabilities to do something. In this case, that something is 'read_event').

Accepting / rejecting
For 'accepting' I would just use the normal booking form (albeit in 'simple mode') - i.e. them placing a booking is them 'accepting'. Rejecting will need some custom, i.e. a button which when clicked removes them from the events 'invited' array.

The only potential hiccup might be that I think by not allowing anyone to view private events I don't think they will appear in calendars / event lists: even if they are invited. This may require some alterations to the SQL - or perhaps an alternative approach to making events private - to correct this.

If event is in event category Badminton, show 20 friend suggestions that are members of only group Badminton, listing the 20 users in order of how many friends they have in common.

This site is built and all the front end code done, waiting for the algorithm to suggest users. (see screenshot)

I understand this is a rather big job and looking for the right developer to help out. I have a budget of $500 - $1000 USD

Please PM so we can discuss further.

Thank you

Answers (1)


Arnav Joy answers:

Hello Ross ,

I am interested in doing this job , can you send me pm with more info