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Blog roll! Help needed asap!! WordPress


If you have a look at
you'll notice that my Blogroll isn't looking too good!

Can anyone help to make it appear normally for me please!

Help would be appreciated asap!!

Answers (5)


idt answers:

so that only the only the blogroll links will be change, add this to the bottom of your style.css

#linkcat-2 ul.blogroll li a {
color: #F06;


Maor Barazany answers:

Go to your template's <strong>style.css</strong> file. There, at about line #377 you will find this:

.xoxo a, .widget ul li a {

Change it to this:
.xoxo a, .widget ul li a {

Maor Barazany comments:

Excuse me, this will change also the bottom links. So leave this line as it is, and instead, at at the bottom of the style.css this:

.sidebar-narrow ul.blogroll a, .widget ul li a {
color:#000000 !important;

Steven Ellis comments:

ok but now if you look at the bottom of the site. the links have gone, because there were white!!!

Maor Barazany comments:

Have you tried my updated code I posted?

Steven Ellis comments:

ah that second code you told me to add has also changed the bottom links!!

Maor Barazany comments:

Try this one instead:

.sidebar-narrow ul.blogroll a {

color:#000000 !important;


Maor Barazany comments:

And if it still doesn't make it, try this:

#linkcat-2 ul.blogroll li a {
color: #000000;


Adan Archila answers:

Send me access to the WP by message


John Cotton answers:

Add this to your styles.css

.widget ul li a:link {
color: #F06;


Oleg Butuzov answers:

add this to css

.xoxo a, .widget ul li a {