I know my web guy should be able to do this but he's been extremely busy.
Here is my blog feed:
<strong>I would like previous and next buttons at the bottom of the page. </strong>
And would appreciate a short description with how to do it. I know how to ftp and edit files.
Sébastien Méric answers:
can you post the page template content you are using for this page so we may tell you exactly where to put what ?
Steven Ellis comments:
which file do you need?
Sébastien Méric comments:
it's in your theme directory and should be called blog.php or something like that. and there is a php comment at the top of the page. something like :
* Template Name: Blog Homepage
Steven Ellis comments:
Sébastien Méric comments:
keep your file somewhere safe (in case i made a mistake in mine :) then use this one instead :
Steven Ellis comments:
nah that didn't work.
Sébastien Méric comments:
yep :) forgot the navigation part... please retry...
Sébastien Méric comments:
oups... and i've commented :
Sébastien Méric comments:
remove the "//" part
Sébastien Méric comments:
arg ! there is a "hello" somewhere also that you mus remove (or get the new zip file)... sorry...
Steven Ellis comments:
Hi Sebastien.
No i can't see the "//content(40);"
maybe best yu upload your edited version again corrected.
Sébastien Méric comments:
the "correct" version has been uploaded...
Sébastien Méric comments:
still not working ? i just tried it at home and it's working for me...
and what appened to your page : http://squittybubbler.com/blog/
your posts list seems to be writen 2 times ?!?
Steven Ellis comments:
Yoo Sebastien!
That's great! Thank you! i'll give another $10 if you can put them on either side.
For example: The "Older Entries" on the right. and "Newer Entries" on the left.
Could you do that?
idt answers:
Hi Steven,
To make the "Older Entries" on the right and "Newer Entries" on the left, please do these steps:
Step 1: On the file that you and Sébastien has been working on, replace this block of code
<div class="navigation">
<div class="navigation-previous"><?php next_posts_link( __( '« Older Entries' ) ) ?></div>
<div class="navigation-next"><?php previous_posts_link( __( 'Newer Entries »' ) ) ?></div>
with this:
<div class="navigation">
<div class="navigation-previous"><?php next_posts_link( __( 'Older Entries »' ) ) ?></div>
<div class="navigation-next"><?php previous_posts_link( __( '« Newer Entries' ) ) ?></div>
Step 2: Add this to your style.css
.navigation-next {
.navigation-previous {
Steven Ellis comments:
where do i put this in the style.css??
so far i have tried at the bottom and in the middle. but it messes up the whole site.
idt comments:
Sorry, I missed a dot(.) before navigation-previous.
I have edited my code above. I suggest you add it at the bottom of your style.css.