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Blank wp-admin after installing theme? Help! WordPress



I built a theme using [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] but I'm not getting any support from them so I thought I'd ask here and Ive been reading forums for hours. I installed the theme according to the instructions they provided but as soon as I activate it the wp-admin goes blank.

I can access wp-login but after logging in it takes me to a blank page. I assume there is a problem with the theme, as it adds new interface to change widgets and settings to the dashboard apparently, so im thinking there is an issue with the functions.php?

I have reinstalled wordpress, activated, deactivated and deleted all plugins, checked if the functions.php has any spaces, looked for wp-cache (could not see) in my wp-config.php. I believe the hosting uses PHP 4.4.9

You can download the [[LINK href=""]]original theme files here[[/LINK]]:
Also here is the mess of stuff I got back when I set Debug to true: [[LINK href=""]]Download Txt File[[/LINK]]

I don't know what to do the site is for a client and they are getting stroppy cos I cant show them anything.. site is: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Help greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Jayden

Answers (2)


Michael Fields answers:

The error is with their automatic theme generation code. If you open /theme-admin/admin.php and scroll to line 401 you will see code like this:

if(!isset($wptm_theme_vars['3colbrief'])) {
$3colbrief_VARS = array();;
$3colbrief_VARS = array();

If you change it to:

if(!isset($wptm_theme_vars['3colbrief'])) {
$_3colbrief_VARS = array();;
$_3colbrief_VARS = array();

The theme will successfully install.

Hope this helps,

Jayden Osborne comments:

Worked perfectly, thanks Mike your a champ...


Rashad Aliyev answers:


If this result only get after installing theme, that means you've got problems in your theme functions. But otherwise you can got problem with others too.

Rename the theme via FTP. Try to open wp-admin again. (and try to open your site too) It'll use the default theme.

- check the settings at dashboard->settings->general and look at the 'WordPress address (URL)' and the 'Blog address (URL)' options - make sure they are correct. If it's true go to next step,

- Open your /wp-admin/index.php put it on line 2.
echo '<strong>debug: in index.php.</strong>';

If you get after this.. <strong>headers already sent ....</strong>

header already sent message usually means there are some non blank characters in one of our modules at the end.

Keep your wp-config.php file in root and the wp-content directory and upload the fresh version of WordPress. Maybe there're any blank carachters.

It'll solve your problem. If still not then I'm always here..