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Best Way to Show Upcoming Events + Latest Blog Posts on Homepage WordPress


So, here's the screenshot of what I'm wanting to do: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

In the left column, I have links to 2 pages: one titled "Fifty-fifty", and the other titled, "Seventy-two".

In the center column, I need to know the cleanest way to <strong>automatically display events (sorted by date in order of next upcoming event, and limited to 3 or 4 event listings)</strong> that have been entered in the WP backend. I would also like the 'View All Upcoming Events' button to go to a page that lists all upcoming events entered in by the user. I guess that also poses another question... <strong>what would be the best way to allow me to enter in events (with date, time, title of events, description, etc.) so that it outputs a list of all upcoming events?</strong>

In the right column, I need to <strong>automatically list the last 2 blog posts (sorted by most recent, with date and excerpt displayed, but limited by a certain number of words, so that each excerpt is relatively the same height)</strong>. The user would click on the title of each blog post to read more of the post.

Thanks for your help, and may the best man win!

Answers (5)


Ashfame answers:

Hi Spencer,

For events, you can use any plugin. I use this one -

And for upcoming posts, you can use this code on a theme page

<?php query_posts('showposts=2'); ?>
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
<span class="datetime"><?php the_time('j. F Y'); ?></span>
<?php ashfame_get_stripped_content(100); ?>
<?php endwhile;
else: ?><p>No future events scheduled.</p>
<?php endif; ?>

<em>Edited the above code, I thought you wanted to list upcoming posts</em>

Paste this in your functions.php file

function ashfame_get_stripped_content($limit)
$content = get_the_content();
$temp = " (<a title=\"Continue Reading..\" href=\"";
$temp = $temp.get_permalink();
$temp = $temp."\">Continue reading &#8594;</a>)</p>";
$content = str_replace('</p>',$temp, $content);
echo $content;

Also I can give you the line of code which will enable you to embed your events listing anywhere. Let me know if you want me to do so.

Spencer Barfuss comments:

Hey Ashfame, I do want to list the 3 or 4 upcoming FUTURE events in the center column, and then on the right column, I want to display the 2 most recent blog posts to automatically show up.

Spencer Barfuss comments:

So, the right column should display the 2 latest blog posts (past).

Ashfame comments:

Yes! Thats what the code does. It will show the last two posts.

For events, using that plugin and with a single line of code, you can have a listing too.

Spencer Barfuss comments:

This is the code that I copied and pasted, and it is not limiting the post.

<?php query_posts('showposts=2'); ?>
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<span class="datetime"><?php the_time('j. F Y'); ?></span>
<?php ashfame_get_stripped_content(20); ?></p>
<?php endwhile;
else: ?><p>No future events scheduled.</p>
<?php endif; ?>

I've attached a screenshot...