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Batch Delete users and re-assign posts to single user account WordPress

Hi Guys

I have a website that is running amazingly slowly, the website has 69,116 posts as I am using Feedwordpress to aggregate RSS feeds.

I do not believe that the posts are the reason the site is running slowly, maybe it is the 10247 subscribers that have been created?

Is there a way to batch/bulk delete all users that are "Subscribers" and re-assign their posts to one of the Administrators accounts?

Maybe this can be done using PHPmyAdmin?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Answers (2)


Peter Michael answers:

Have you installed a cache plugin?

Justin Walmsley comments:

No I havent for this site as i thought adding something like W3TC would effect the cache, as the FeedWordPress plugin has it's own caching system, to see if posts have been updated or not.

Peter Michael comments:

I would try installing & configuring W3TC first as it provides DB cache as well.

If you want to go your route, you can delete users & assign posts with this SQL script:

<strong>WARNING: This will irreversibly DELETE all your subscribers!</strong>

# Delete all subscribers
DELETE FROM wp_users
INNER JOIN wp_usermeta on wp_users.ID = wp_usermeta.user_id
WHERE ( wp_usermeta.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND wp_usermeta.meta_value = 'a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";b:1;}' );

# Assign all posts to admin (replace ADMINID with your own admin ID)
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_author = ADMINID;


Justin Walmsley comments:

Hi Peter,

thanks for this, i will try W3TC, but it still might be an option to delete all the old subscribers.

With regards to the Admin ID is this the name, ie "admin" or a numerical number, like a post id?


Peter Michael comments:

Admin ID is an Integer (numerical). You can see the ID when you hover over the username link in wp-admin in the status bar (user_id=)

Justin Walmsley comments:

Hi Peter,

I am getting an SQL error when trying to run the code:


SQL query:

DELETE FROM wp_users INNER JOIN wp_usermeta ON wp_users.ID = wp_usermeta.user_id WHERE (
wp_usermeta.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND wp_usermeta.meta_value = 'a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";b:1;}'

MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'INNER JOIN wp_usermeta on wp_users.ID = wp_usermeta.user_id

WHERE ( wp_userme' at line 3 </blockquote>

the code i used was:
DELETE FROM wp_users

INNER JOIN wp_usermeta on wp_users.ID = wp_usermeta.user_id

WHERE ( wp_usermeta.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND wp_usermeta.meta_value = 'a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";b:1;}' );

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_author = 1265;

Peter Michael comments:

Sorry, my bad. Try this:

DELETE wpu FROM wp_users AS wpu
INNER JOIN wp_usermeta AS wpm ON wpu.ID = wpm.user_id
WHERE wpm.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND wpm.meta_value = 'a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";b:1;}';
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_author = 1265;

Justin Walmsley comments:

Hi Peter,

Still not working, could it be that my table prefix is mmwc_

I'm getting the error

SQL query:

DELETE wpu FROM wp_users AS wpu INNER JOIN wp_usermeta AS wpm ON wpu.ID = wpm.user_id WHERE wpm.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND wpm.meta_value = 'a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";b:1;}';

MySQL said: Documentation
#1146 - Table 'mmwcops_wp.wp_users' doesn't exist </blockquote>

Peter Michael comments:

Yes. Adapted for your prefix:

DELETE wpu FROM mmwc_users AS wpu INNER JOIN mmwc_usermeta AS wpm ON wpu.ID = wpm.user_id WHERE wpm.meta_key = 'wp_capabilities' AND wpm.meta_value = 'a:1:{s:10:"subscriber";b:1;}';
UPDATE mmwc_posts SET post_author = 1265;

Again, I don't think the users in the DB are your site's performance issue.

Justin Walmsley comments:

The script transferred all of the posts to the admin account, but has not deleted the users.

The website is working faster now I have set up W3TC especially DB Caching :)

Any script for just deleting the Subscribers? I just want to get rid of them to tidy up the system really ;)

Peter Michael comments:

You can add this to the top of your functions.php file in your theme:

function remove_subscribers() {
global $wpdb;
$args = array( 'role' => 'Subscriber' );
$subscribers = get_users( $args );
if( count($subscribers > 0 ) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/user.php' );
$i = 1;
foreach( $subscribers as $subscriber ) {
wp_delete_user( $subscriber->ID );
echo $i.' Subscribers deleted';
} else {
echo 'No Subscribers deleted';

Then load any page on your blog and it will remove all subscribers and output on the top of the page/post how many got deleted from the DB.

After that, delete the code or simply comment out the function call by adding two slashes to the front:

// remove_subscribers();

Please consider raise your prize money a little. ;-)

Peter Michael comments:

Cleaner version:

function remove_subscribers() {
global $wpdb;
$args = array( 'role' => 'Subscriber' );
$subscribers = get_users( $args );
if( !empty($subscribers) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH.'wp-admin/includes/user.php' );
$i = 0;
foreach( $subscribers as $subscriber ) {
if( wp_delete_user( $subscriber->ID ) ) {
echo $i.' Subscribers deleted';
} else {
echo 'No Subscribers deleted';


Duncan O'Neill answers:


you could try a 'long way round' which might be safer than deleting all your existing users. That is;

1) Export all your content into a file. Under the Tools menu.
2) Batch delete the users you don't want.
3) Import the content you just exported, using the file on your system, and assign the unclaimed posts to the user you choose.

