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Autofocuspro display on Firefox WordPress


Hello, I tweaked the css of Autofocus and I managed to get exactly what I wanted on Chrome and Safari. I submitted the blog to browsershots and it seems to be acceptable on IE as well. But Firefox is a complete car crash. The styles just don't seem to be working, there are a number of errors. This is the blog:

And have a look how different this page looks on Chrome and Firefox:

I suspect part of the problem is that Autofocus works on top of Thematic, and that creates several stylesheets imposed over the others, maybe there's something Firefox is calling wrong?

Any help is much appreciated.


Answers (2)


Denzel Chia answers:

Hi Timm,

I can help now. Can you give me admin access to your blog, so that I can fix it for you?
I will tell you where I added the codes after I fix them.

If you would like my help, please send your login access to [email protected]


Denzel Chia comments:

Hi Hugo,

I am done, please take a look at both pages, using firefox

the css fix are for firefox only and does not affect others.
because in the body class, there is a firefox class.

All codes added in bottom of functions.php, they are hooked at the end of wp_head
so that the changes does not get affected by default autofocus script, and style.css
adding css in styles.css does not work, because it will be overwrite by autofocus php style script.

If everything is ok, please award me the price money.


Denzel Chia comments:

Sorry, wrong links.
Should be


Denzel Chia comments:

Hi Hugo,

I wonder if it is possible for you to increase your price money to $30.
Took quite sometime to fix it.

It is ok, if you do not wish to.


Denzel Chia comments:

Hi Hugo,

Your additional 3 issues are solved.


Hugo Timm comments:

Perfect, thank you so much for your help.


Duncan O'Neill answers:

Hi Hugo,

first thing is, you should validate your css;

Your problem is 'sans serif' ( without the quotes ) all through your style sheet, including for headings. This won't be helping FF display it properly. It should be sans-serif.

Hope this helps,



[ later edit ] This is very poor form on behalf of someone, either the winner of the question, or the owner, I can't be sure which. Below is the sequence of events revolving around this question being resolved.

When the winner was first chosen, my solution was ignored, and the information not used. Instead, ONLY the solutiion from another expert was used. I did a hard refresh on the site concerned to make sure of this. Obvious display problems continued. At least a day AFTER the winner was chosen, the website was updated to correct the flaws I'd pointed out BEFORE the winner was chosen.

There was no recognition of the information I'd spent time digging to provide, either in written terms on the question, or in terms of a share of the prizemoney.

I understand the we provide information "at our own risk".

But for those of us not among the top earners here, for whatever reason, it is a disincentive to put forward information if it's used for the benefit of either or both the questioner, and other experts, but not recognised in any form.