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Autofocus pro: Sidebars and Layouts. WordPress


Hi Experts,

I installed Autofocus Pro and I'd like to install a couple of functions on it:

<strong>·</strong> I'd like one of my pages to look like this one (demo of the theme) :
There are 3 blocks, with one picture and a title in each, that lead to the picture in full size+ a longer text.
How do I get this layout?
(thumbnail + title + sentence + amount of pics + frame)

<strong>·</strong> There will be a sidebar on almost each page of the website.
Each sidebar will content a list of links of the page's children. (and sometimes other pages of the site).
How to create these sidebars this way?

<strong>·</strong> One of the sidebars should contents the latest posts from 1 category only.
I haven't found where and how to put a filter yet.

Since Autofocus Pro is a child theme of Thematic, there is no "index.php or "home.php" in the theme directory.
Only: Blog-template, functions, image, page and thematic-functions.php (+ different CSS).

Thanks in advance,


Answers (1)


Bob answers:

<blockquote>I'd like one of my pages to look like this one (demo of the theme) :
There are 3 blocks, with one picture and a title in each, that lead to the picture in full size+ a longer text.
How do I get this layout?
(thumbnail + title + sentence + amount of pics + frame)</blockquote>

To me this looks like a page or post using nextgen gallery short-codes (the nextgen plugin). The link you provided is using that plug in, I am not sure if it is 'bundled' with the theme. To insert a thumbnail that links to a gallery you would enter something like this into your post editor. If the theme does not come with nextgen you will have to download it.
[ nggtags gallery=YourGalleryNameHere]

<blockquote> There will be a sidebar on almost each page of the website.
Each sidebar will content a list of links of the page's children. (and sometimes other pages of the site).
How to create these sidebars this way?</blockquote>

It would probably be best to simply drag a widget into your sidebars, I recommend trying widget logic [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]] and/or Query posts widget [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

If not you can add a custom page template for your child theme ( something like photo-single.php) or edit the default one and use wp_list_pages with a child parameter, [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

An example would be adding this to your loop
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&child_of='.$post->ID.''); ?>

If your not comfortable with editing the template files of the child theme you can use a plugin called php widget ( [[LINK href=""]] [[/LINK]]) That will allow you to add php into a text widget ( for example the above php code), go to your "widgets" in your menu, add a text widget to your side bar and the above code.

ps. The php widget and widget logic plugins do not currently work together.

Hope this helps.

Kat Deskat comments:

Hi Bob,
Thanks for your precise answer.
I installed nextgen and it works fine. :)

However I still can't make any of the sidebars work...
I need to investigate more.

Your answer was very helpful though.