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Autofocus Pro roll over stopped working! Help pleease!!! WordPress


Hello guys ... The rollover on the little squares stopped working! Here is my link :
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

before, when you rollover each blog entry the title would come out and the square would haze out. Now, It doesnt do that anymore. AND, the thumbnail image would be the first picture you would see in the blog post, but it doesnt do that anymore. Any suggestions?
thank you!

Answers (3)


Bill Hunt answers:

Well, what have you added since it stopped working? There's a javascript error that says there's a stray "." hanging out somewhere, probably from a new plugin or theme element. I'm afraid that finding it without more info is probably more than a $4 job. ;)

James Hong comments:

I havent added any other plug in :( The only thing I did was update to wordpress 3.0

Would you do it for $20?

Bill Hunt comments:

Try opening /wp-content/themes/autofocuspro/js/afscripts.js and replace all instances of ".#content" with "#content" (lines 56 and 112), to start. Let me know if that doesn't resolve everything.

James Hong comments:

Oh that took care of most of the problem but if you rollover it not only has the title but the content as well. Before it used to just be the title. AND, once you are done rolling over it, the text should disappear but it stays there..any ideas/

James Hong comments:

cheeck the website...i am bad at explaining :)
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Steve Lambert answers:

Just as an aside, you have way too many keywords listed in the meta data for that site.

James Hong comments: that a bad thing?

Steve Lambert comments:

While controversial and others may have better ideas, this tool may be helpful:
Generally, listing dozens of keywords does not help your site ranking and they will probably be ignored. I think this site is pretty helpful:
But don't get lost down the SEO rabbit hole. Having good, useful, relevant content is the most important thing.

Sorry I can't help with your real problem. There is code that enables those features and it's not being activated. I would try disabling plugins one by one and see if it starts working again. Then figure out which plugin is running in conflict - if that's the case. Otherwise try reinstalling the theme.

Also, this might not be a $4 problem.

And you might want to wait for a second opinion/more qualified answer.


Ehthisham tk answers:

line number 56 and 112 $jQuery(.#content) replace to $jQuery(#content)

James Hong comments:

Oh that took care of most of the problem but if you rollover it not only has the title but the content as well. Before it used to just be the title. AND, once you are done rolling over it, the text should disappear but it stays there..any ideas/

James Hong comments:

check the site if you have no idea what i am talking about :)
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]