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Autofocus+ Pro Theme | Replace Menu Page with a Post WordPress



Question for the knowledgable community of experts on this forum:

I am currently using the Autofocus+ Pro theme on my Wordpress site.

Right now the site lives at a temporary domain until it is complete then I will move it over to it's permanent home. The page is still a work in progress.

My question is:

I created a new "page" titled "Music Menu Item" which appears in the menu in the header of the site. I do not like the default look of this page and much prefer the same content when created as a "post" rather than a "page".

Here is the "Music Menu Item" page:

And here is the same general content (I evolved it a bit) as a "post" called "Music Post" which I prefer the overall look of more:

The problem is, when I create the content as "post" - it appears on my front page ( and I cannot get the post to exist as a menu item like the "Music Menu Item" page I created. Is there an easy way to get "Music Post" post to appear when you click "Music Menu Item" instead of the "Music Menu Item" Page that now is linked to that menu item? In essence, to swap a post in place of a page that appears in the header menu? The "Music Post" post would then need to disappear from the front page so it only lives in the menu header.

I'd be happy to clarify my problem further if any of this is still unclear.

Thank you.

– Daniel

Answers (1)


Denzel Chia answers:


I thought autofocus pro theme now supports wordpress menu? [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Use that to tag your post into the menu.

To exclude the post from the homepage, add the exclude query variable into the wordpress loop.
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

For $5 price money, you need to figure out the code yourself.


Denzel Chia comments:


Happy coding.

Daniel Marsden comments:


Thanks for the help.

You are correct, Autofocus+ Pro now supports the wordpress menu so this approach will solve my problem.

The best solution I found was to create a custom link in the menu that links to the permanent URL of my music post:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

This looks much cleaner then having a menu item direct you to an archive page containing all of your posts containing the specified tag, then clicking on the post you want:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I was playing around with the exclude and include query variable trying to get this to work earlier so when I get home tonight I'll give it a shot and let you know if I have any further questions excluding the music post from my front page at which time I'll award you the winner.

Thank you!

Daniel Marsden comments:


I think I found the correct code to use to exclude the "music" and "about" categories from my homepage but am unsure exactly where to place the code into my index loop.

The code I found that I think should work is:

if ( is_home() ) {
query_posts( 'category_name=-music,-about' );

I tried placing it in themes>thematic>index.php and themes>thematic>library>extensions>content-extensions.php but neither worked correctly.

I can increase the reward amount if you wish and could help me with this.

Thank you.

Denzel Chia comments:


Your current homepage shows a slider only.
I suppose you are using the portfolio template whereby you want to exclude music and about category from home page thumbnail grid? You want the same layout as but exclude music and about?

If not please tell me the exact requirements you want.

The codes are hook into template from thematic-functions.php
But I am not sure which function it is. I need to work on it.

I am willing to work on your test blog, if you are willing to raise the price money to $50.

If you are interested,
Please send ftp host, username, password, wordpress username and password to [email protected].

I will work on it asap.
