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Autofocus+ Pro Theme | Posts on front page limited to 55 WordPress



I currently have the Autofocus+ Pro theme installed on my website and currently the front page is restricting the number of visible posts to 55. I'd like to expand this number if possible.
Username: test
password: testes

Currently there are 57 posts that should be visible on the front page image grid but only 55 of them appear. It seems that no matter how many new posts I create only 55 will appear on the front page.

I can give out admin info to my site as needed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Answers (2)


Christianto answers:

Hi Daniel,

If I'm not wrong the top of the image grid is a sticky posts that I code.. :D
The sticky image grid is showing 5 posts, that means the rest of the grid only 50 posts .

If you haven't change the code since I modify it, you can try this file attach.
Please backup the thematic-functions.php before you replace it..

If this does not work then there are other setting from thematic/autofocuspro that block front page grid number goes beyond 50,

Daniel Marsden comments:


I haven't touched the thematic-functions.php file since you modified it so I used your new attached version of the file and it solved my issue perfectly.

What exactly did you do? Did you increase the number of visible posts on the front page numerically, if so what new number did you use? I'd like to have 75-100 posts on the front page max if possible.

I'm curious to see what code you put into the thematic-functions.php file to make this work.

I will award you the winner shortly after I test the new code a little more.

I should have just asked you in the first place Christianto!


Daniel Marsden comments:


Your new file is interfering with something I recently had altered using my thematic-functions.php file so I was mistaken. Can you please apply your tweak to my latest thematic-functions.php file which should alleviate the issue?

I have attached it below.

Thank you.

Daniel Marsden comments:

Daniel Marsden comments:

Those attachements don't seem to be working.

Here is the file:

Christianto comments:


I only alter the query of wordpress on line 316 to 333, maybe if you have another issue with your grid post, you can modify this area by applying parameter from [[LINK href=""]]wordpress query documentation[[/LINK]], so you don't have to comeback here spend your money :D

its pretty easy to tweak, for example if you need all post grid from specific year, just add
'year' => '2010',
where 'year' is parameter of the query and '2010' are value referring to post publish on 2010.

Hope this help