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Autofocus 'Post Thumbnail' issues. WordPress


Hey guys, hope someone can help me.
I've been trying to install Autofocus (and I believe I have successfully), but i'm encountering a problem.

I have installed Autofocus as instructed (and Thematic also, as instructed), but the 'Post Thumbnail' fails to show, as a result, the theme doesn't quite work.

I have done multiple clean installs, ie: delete data base, new database, install wordpress, install thematic, install autofocus.

The entire theme works fine as far as i'm concerned, but the 'Post Thumbnail' option that should be there when i'm making a post is not. I assumed with the themes I would not have to add this stuff manually, and when I look through the function.php, yes indeed the appropriate commands were present.


Wordpress: 3.0.1
Autofocus+: 1.1 (free)

Any help would be valued.
Regards - Valk

Answers (3)


Denzel Chia answers:


You have to set the featured image. Look for the featured image meta box at the right hand bottom of your add post editor.


Valkyran comments:

Thank you for the speedy reply.
I am aware of selecting the feature image.
But i'm under the impression that I can set an image at the thumb nail, without having it across the top of the post when you click it?

That's what i've been looking for

Denzel Chia comments:


Sorry I don't quite understand your reply.

Do you mean, not setting the image in the slider on the home page?
or in the single post view?


Valkyran comments:

Take these two for example.

I have selected a feature image. Now, when you click it, the top thing you see is also the feature image.

View this demo:
Please click 10 April.
As you can see, the thumbnail, is not present in the post.

This is what I am trying to achieve. Just a thumbnail, but not always the feature image, at the top of the post.

Valkyran comments:

Denzel, please ignore my last post, as obviously I am silly, and did not play around enough.

Thank you kindly for helping me clear up, what was clearly just a miss understanding of 'wordpress terms'.

Regards, Valk

Denzel Chia comments:


You are welcome!



Pau answers:

you site say's "No Image Attached!". Probably because:

1. you have not put any image in your post

2. there's a need of custom field value where you input the location of the image

3. you should set up a featured image in your post (can be found at right side area of post editor area)

Valkyran comments:

Thank you for the speedy reply.
I am aware of selecting the feature image.
But i'm under the impression that I can set an image at the thumb nail, without having it across the top of the post when you click it?

That's what i've been looking for

Pau comments:

Try attaching an image in your post instead of setting a featured image


Kailey Lampert answers:

I agree with what Denzel Chia said. Perhaps there's been some confusion about terms? What used to be called the Post Thumbnail (WP 2.9) is now called the Featured Image (WP3+).