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Autofocus+ 1.2: blog template problem WordPress


Hello, I have a problem with the blog template page in my Autofocus pro 1.2 theme.
As Allan Cole said on the documentation, I have crated a page named Blog and selected the blog template. Under Autofocus+ options I checked the blog category to be excluded from the Home page but when I create a new post under the blog category It appears on the Blog page (perfect!), but also on the Home pageā€¦ what I am doing wrong?. By the way, I had Autofocus 1.0.1 before and I love it but this new one it is just the best in the world! I just need to fix this issue with the blog.
Allan says the bug is fixed in version 1.2 but not for me:
<em>Changelog (Pro version only)
Version 1.2
* Fixed a bug where Blog category posts were showing in the home page.</em>

Thanks a lot in advanced.

Answers (2)


Stephen Lang answers:

Which version of WordPress do you have installed?

Paula Nieto comments:

I have version 3.0

Stephen Lang comments:

I do not have access to the Pro theme but you could try this free plugin as a work around until a fix is released:

Paula Nieto comments:

You mean it is still a bug that is not fixed?
I will try this plugin and tell you somethig right away

Stephen Lang comments:

Yeah I'm guessing that if you're still seeing the blog posts on the homepage after you followed all the instructions, which it sounds like you have, then there is still a bug with the Autofocus+ Pro template that you have.

Try the plugin and let me know if it sorts your issue :)

Stephen Lang comments:

By the way, to use the plugin once it's installed:
Simply Exclude -> Make sure the 'Front' action is set to exclude -> Check the 'Front' box under the 'Exclude from...' options for the category that you wish to exclude

Paula Nieto comments:

It worked!!!. I excluded the blog category from the front page with this plugin and now everything is in its place. As simply as that. Still I would prefer a solution made by the author, but I guess I have to wait a while.
Thanks a lot for your help. I let you now if I have any kind of problem with the plugin or something else.

Stephen Lang comments:

Great, glad that sorted it for you. I could code a fix directly into your theme if you prefer - but I would need access to the pro theme or at least $15 to get a copy for myself :)

Contact me if you'd like a more elegant solution:


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Contact with me. I'm available now.

Paula Nieto comments:

Hello, what else do you need?

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Contact with me from my profiles. You'll found my Skype and MSN there.