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Autofocus+ WordPress



This is a really easy question but I'm new to word press and just really need a hand. I have got the theme autofocus set up as a theme but I'm finding it difficult to customize etc. So i have found the new updated version autofocus+ but im not sure how to upload it.

1. download and extract the latest version of the thematic theme (which I have done this already)
2. upload the resulting /thematic/ folder to your word press /wp-content/themes/directory.
3. download and extract the autofocus+ theme
4. upload the resulting/autofocusplus/ folder to your wordpress /wp-content/themes/directory
5. navigate to to apperance>themes in the backend and activate

so im struggling on 2-5 im not sure what it means by extract??? and then uploading the resulting

/thematic/folder to your word press /wp-content/themes/directory???? where is this?

i know this is very obvious but if someone could help me out and give me a step by step dummy version that would be amazing

Answers (3)


Andrzej answers:

1. download and extract the latest version of the thematic theme (which I have done this already)

By extract it means extracting ZIP file so you get real files.

2. upload the resulting /thematic/ folder to your word press /wp-content/themes/directory.

After you do that extraction, say with WinZIP or WinRAR or whatever application you use to extract ZIPs, new get a new folder called "thematic". You need to connect to FTP where you have your Wordpress installtion, navigate to folder: "/wp-content/themes/" and copy there this "thematic" folder which you get after extracting the ZIP

3. download and extract the autofocus+ theme

Same as above, get the ZIP and extract by WinZip/WinRAR to get real files.

4. upload the resulting/autofocusplus/ folder to your wordpress /wp-content/themes/directory

Again same as above - after extracting you get "autofocusplus" folder which you need to FTP into "/wp-content/themes" directory at your server.

5. navigate to to apperance>themes in the backend and activate

This is to be done at Wordpress Admin panel.

Any more explaination needed, please ask me?

jacquidaly comments:

im trying to do it on rar expander but its not letting me extract as in its not letting me select it and im not even sure which of the files im supposed to be selecting sorry im just really stuck im on a mac

Andrzej comments:

what's the format of the file you need to extract? RAR or ZIP? Thx

jacquidaly comments:

none of them say .zip or .rar and i dont know what ftp is i signed up with go daddy who uploaded word press for me

Andrzej comments:

basiaclly you need something called "FTP login data" to transfer files onto your server. Please ask GoDaddy to provide them to you and tell me when you got it?

jacquidaly comments:

ok great

jacquidaly comments:

ok i have spoken to go daddy and think i have the info....

Andrzej comments:

now you need a tool that will allow you to connect to this FTP on Mac. Not being a Mac user I'm not sure if you might have already built in, but you might want to check this one

Give me a shout when you manage to install it and successfully connect using GoDaddy's data?

Andrzej comments:

I have sent you a private message, please check your email?

jacquidaly comments:

hiya so its now showing as a broken theme


Kazi Shaiduzzaman answers:

Here extract means you need to unzip it to get all files. you can do this by winzip/alzip software. however you can also do this from cpanel if you have support of gzip compression. after extract the theme folder you will get and it needs to be upload to server on under /wp-content/themes/ using cpanel or a ftp client and then you can activate it.

A more easy way as wordpress support is you can install a theme from wp-admin too. You need to go For old version apperance>Add New Themes otherwise apperance>themes then on top a button add new besides manage theme click on it and then you will get some navigation on top, click on upload link you will go to like (say your blog on root) and then use the form to browse theme and them click install. its done you just need to activate the theme. That's easy.



Nicole Dominguez answers:

To use that theme, you must first download and install thematic. Thematic is a parent theme, in which others can be built off of.

Luckily for you, you don't have to download or extract thematic, because you can install that theme directly in wordpress. In your admin panel, go to appearance, then click "add new themes". In the search box that comes up, type in 'thematic'. It should be the first one. Click install.

Now that's done, make sure you have this file downloaded .

DON'T extract it, just move it to your desktop.

In the wordpress admin panel, click 'add new themes'. Towards the top, there should be a link that says upload. Click it.

Now, press choose file and find the .zip from your desktop. Press install theme.

Activate it once it's done installing. It should ask you that.