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Auto update fails: Could not copy file.... WordPress


I get the following error when trying to do auto update:
Could not copy file.: /public_html/wp-admin/css/

Really would like to figure out what causes this as I have multiple sites with wordpress and this would make it much faster updating versus manually updating.

Answers (3)


philip answers:

I assume you had a quick look at / Google and didn't find an answer there!

After having problems with auto updates - some of which were to do with my server firewall, file ownership and rarely permissions - i've started to use svn for installation and updates. Manual updates are a pain.

Never had a problem since!

It is fairly easy to move an existing site to an svn version, just did one from a root to subdirectory install.

Hope this helps avoid manual updates.


Rashad Aliyev answers:


This error is due to the permissions issue. It's not necessary that the folder(directory) or file is unwriteable or not having 777 permission, important thing is if the apache user has permission to modify the files.

Solution is to try the manual upgrade of wordpress in this case (if you are sure that the error still persists even after setting directory permissions to 777)

Note: Deleting the upgrade folder in wp-content and then retrying auto update helped some users too, so do give it a try.

Rashad Aliyev comments:

Good Instruction for updating: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


enodekciw answers:

Read [[LINK href=""]]this[[/LINK]]. It should explain.