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Auto publishing podcasts as postss WordPress

I've got a client that would like to automate publishing their podcasts. They would like to author the podcast, format it into mp3, and tag it properly and then drop it on some form of internet storage, whether it's DropBox,, their own server, and whatever.

Whenever an audio file gets dropped onto the storage, they would like it to automatically get added to WordPress as a post with a link to the file, so it goes into the WordPress rss feed and becomes a published podcast. The post using the metadata of the mp3 to set things like categories and title would be a huge bonus.

Does this seem feasible to folks? Any insight would be appreciated.

Answers (3)


Arnav Joy answers:

how you are uploading mp3?

michaelmiller comments:

It would be deposited to some hosting solution, whether it's a private web server, dropbox, or something similar. Which service doesn't matter, it's the ability for them to easily save it to a folder on their production computer and have it auto-added to the hosting machine that matters.

Arnav Joy comments:

are you depositing it using any script or manually ?

michaelmiller comments:

Well, it's not happening at all yet, so we're open to anything that's reasonably simple. I suppose to describe my ideal world:

Client authors podcast, hits 'save' and saves it to a folder that uploads it to the same web host as the one where their WP site lives (I'd probably accomplish this via one of those nifty applications that let you load an FTP directory as a folder on ones desktop). Then a plugin or script in WordPress scans set directories every so often, finds a file, pulls the metadata, makes a post, and puts a link to the file.


Dbranes answers:

Many ways to do this, I think.

Here's one idea:

Use the Event RSS Feed from your Dropbox account:

It will for example contain information about the newly uploaded files.

If you upload <strong>Mozart.mp3</strong> into your <em>/Public/media/</em> Dropbox folder, then it will contain for example this kind information:

<rss version="2.0">
<title>Dropbox event feed - Test</title>
<description>Dropbox events for Test</description>
<lastBuildDate>Fri, 20 Dec 2013 17:03:11 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<title>You added the file Mozart....</title>
<pubDate>Fri, 20 Dec 2013 17:03:04 GMT</pubDate>
You added the file <a target='_blank' href='' title='&#47;Public&#47;media&#47;Mozart.mp3'>Mozart.mp3</a>.<br />
<guid isPermaLink="false">DROPBOX_12345ABCDE</guid>

Then you can use for example

- wp-cron or *nix cronjobs
- fetch_feed()
- wp_insert_post()
- preg_match()

to check/parse the feed for new uploads and add the new post.

If you want to add categories you could add them into the mp3 file name.




<em>ps:</em> you just have to remember to replace the private link:

with the public link:

Hope this helps.


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Seems pretty simple.

Fahad Murtaza comments:

<blockquote>(I'd probably accomplish this via one of those nifty applications that let you load an FTP directory as a folder on ones desktop).</blockquote>

There are many apps which do that. The rest can be taken care of with that plugin which can be modified.

michaelmiller comments:

That looks about perfect!

Fahad Murtaza comments:

Glad to help :)