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AutoFocus + Pro Sticky post in slider and grid issue WordPress


AutoFocus + Pro Sticky post in slider and grid issue

I have followed the code given in this post

It works but now I have the images that are in WP gallery show up on mouse over in the grid layout.

I do not want to show those images on a mouse over instead it should be the post title that should show up, but when they get to the post I still want to use some kind of galley with thumbnails. Fancybox is set to “Make a galley for all images on the page” does not work for the Tree Frog post.

Here is my site

AF + Pro 1.5
Plugin added: Regenerate Thumbnails, WP super cache, Fancybox Google Analytics, All in one SEO.

Hope someone can help.

Answers (1)


Denzel Chia answers:


Put the following in your header.php before </head>


As for your tree frog post. Your uploaded WordPress Gallery setting is wrong.
Check it again.
Edit your gallery setting, before you insert it.
Thumbnail should point to large image and not attachment.


Tapna Shah comments:

Yes, that fixed it. Denzel, do you know how can I have the slide number visible in the image slide gallery on home page and the post page.

If you think I should ask this as separate question I would.

Thank you for your help

Denzel Chia comments:


Please raise the price money to at least 10 dollars.

In afscripts.js find the following at the bottom of the file and comment out or delete it.
Remember to have a back up copy in case it does not work.

// Hover animations for Slider Controls
jQuery(this).children("#thumbNav").stop(true).fadeTo("fast", 0.75);
}, function(){
jQuery(this).children("#thumbNav").stop(true).fadeTo("fast", 0);

To comment out, just put a // in beginning of every sentence.

If you have anymore questions, please start a new one.


Tapna Shah comments:

This just removes the image number nav all together.

I would like to have the image number nav visible all the time so people know how many images are in the slide show, same way it does when you mouse over.

Hope this makes sense.


Denzel Chia comments:


Not like that

// Hover animations for Slider Controls (commented out on 2-2011, makes the images number visible
jQuery(this).children("#thumbNav").stop(true).fadeTo("fast", 0.75);
}, function(){
jQuery(this).children("#thumbNav").stop(true).fadeTo("fast", 0);

do it like this

// Hover animations for Slider Controls (commented out on 2-2011, makes the images number visible
// jQuery(".anythingSlider").hover(function(){
// jQuery(this).children("#thumbNav").stop(true).fadeTo("fast", 0.75);
// }, function(){
// jQuery(this).children("#thumbNav").stop(true).fadeTo("fast", 0);
// });

And please award me the price if it works for you!

Denzel Chia comments:


Comment it out first and let me look at your site.
I will see what is the next step needed.


Tapna Shah comments:

Denzel, I will award the money as soon as we fix this.

I have commented out but it removed the navigation all together, even on mouse over.

Please let me know what is the next step.

Denzel Chia comments:


Remember the first code above, I gave you for hiding the gallery images?

Change to the following, with addition code to make the number show.

echo"<style>.gallery{display:none!important;} #thumbNav{opacity:1!important;}</style>";


Denzel Chia comments:


Wait, I forgot that you want the number to show for all sliders in all pages.

ignore the above answer. use the following.



Put above in header.php, above </head>
Just add in the additional style codes below the first answer.


Denzel Chia comments:


Why is this showing in your webpage header?

// sticky post in slider and grid fix // end sticky post fix

If you want to put // comment, you need to put within <?php ?>
if it is outside, you comment like this <!--sticky post in slider and grid fix-->

// is php comment <!--this is html comment!-->


Denzel Chia comments:


Clear your wp super cache's cache, so that the home page gets updated!

Its still showing the old cached page!


Denzel Chia comments:


Saw the number on your slider. Which means my answer works for you.

Can you please award the price now?
