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AutoFocusPro Theme Error! Please Help WordPress


In my posts on the AutoFocusPro theme at the bottom where all my pictures are supposed to appear in the post, I get an error reading:

<strong>Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/l/a/d/ladevastation/html/meandher/wp-content/themes/autofocuspro/extensions/autofocus-settings.php on line 46

Can anyone help me? I had tested this theme on a different url and had zero problems. Now I can't figure out how to make it work.

Answers (2)


Duncan O'Neill answers:


that line is the start of the Flickr loop. If you don't need it, try disabling or resetting your Flickr options.



Duncan O'Neill comments:

Correction to the above; if you're not using Flickr account, try disabling Flickr by leaving the fields in your Flickr options panel blank. If you ARE using Flickr, try re-entering your username, key, and secret key, and re-saving your options.



Ryan VIckers comments:

Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your response. I am using my flickr account with my page. I re-entered all the info and still got the error. Any other suggestions on what I am doing wrong? Here is the link to the post:

Duncan O'Neill comments:


thanks for the link. Can you please confirm which version of AutofocusPro you're using? It looks like 1.6.1?



Ryan VIckers comments:

Correct. It's the latest version, I believe. 1.6.1

Duncan O'Neill comments:

How are the Flickr images being pulled in please? Widget? Shortcode? It looks as if there is an error in either connecting with your Flickr account, or sorting your Flickr images into the required array....

It might be quicker to email me directly at [email protected]




Denzel Chia answers:


An invalid foreach error in this case means that the information feed into the foreach loop is missing.
If these images are suppose to be return by flickr, I am quite sure that you had entered the wrong information in your custom meta box.

I do not know how your theme works but, it could be due to information entered wrongly, perhaps they need a photo id entered in custom meta box, or perhaps there is a space before or after the photo id that you entered. Perhaps the flickr photo is not there, perhaps your flickr API key is wrong?

Just make sure that what you entered in the custom meta box is correct.
Use the example given first and modified from there.

I am sure it is due to information entered wrong somewhere, which is why flickr API is returning no or wrong information, and causing error parsing in foreach loop.
