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Auofocus + - IE fix, Menu and archive page WordPress


Three simple quick changes.

<strong>Fix two IE issues:</strong>
1) make main top banner look like how it is showing in Firefox or Safari (move buttons and menu to the right)
2) there is a space on the single page between the header and the text. Remove the space.

Replace the main menu with the WP menu function (incl sub menu option). Alignment has to be like it is now, with menu extending to the left (not moving the logo).

<strong>Archive / search page:</strong>
The text on the archive / search results page is hard to read because of the background over the img and the color of the text. Make the color of the text white.

Need someone to make the changes to the site.


Answers (1)


Arnav Joy answers:

to make color white of text go to line 1249 of style.css

find following

#content .entry-title a {
font-weight: 200;

and replace with following

#content .entry-title a {
color: white;
font-weight: 200;

then find following at line no. 2437

.archive #content .entry-content p, .search #content .entry-content p {
padding: 0 8px;

and replace with

.archive #content .entry-content p, .search #content .entry-content p {
color: white;
padding: 0 8px;

Arnav Joy comments:

write following in functions.php
<?php register_nav_menu( 'Main Menu' =>'Main Menu'); ?>

write following in header.php
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu_class' => 'menu', 'theme_location' => 'Main Menu' ) ); ?>

see this video , how to set up menus

Arnav Joy comments:

in which version of ie , you are looking , can you provide a screenshot

NordicDesign comments:

Hi Arnav,

Made a change to the request:
I actually need someone to make the changes for me.

Let me know if you can still help.


Arnav Joy comments:

ok , then provide me access to site , send me pm

NordicDesign comments:

Hi Arnav,

Happy you want to work for us again!

Login details are on its way.
